Joan Munson Retroni

Profile Updated: March 4, 2012
Residing In: Spring, TX USA
Pre-Retirement Occupation: co-owner of flower shop
Children: Danny
Yes! Attending Reunion
How did you find our class website?

I was looking for a friend, Steve.

If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?

In Texas, closer to the ocean.

Do you still have family that live around Crystal Lake?

No, everyone has moved away.

How often do you get back to Crystal Lake?


Would you ever move back to the Crystal Lake area?


What got you into the kind of work you are or were doing?

I needed to work while my children were in school. After they grew up, I loved the smell of the flowers and wanted to continue. Eventually I bought into the shop.

What previous jobs did you do?

Waitress, stay at home mom.

What did you do immediately following high school?

Got married.

What do you see yourself doing in 2029?

I hope I am not dead.

How long have you been married?

too long



Favorite places to visit?

San Antonio at Thanksgiving. It's beautiful on the river.

Places you want to visit but have not yet done so?


What would we be surprised to know about you?

I haven't changed at all.

Did you have any nicknames in school you wish to share?
