Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 44
     Profile contains photos: 19
     In Memory: 42
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 5
     Military Service: 6
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Wanda Amos (Goad)   
Mark Anderson  
Jerry Arthur  
Dean Baker
Mary Frances Barnett (Patsel)
Myra Anne Beahm (Townes)    
Joan Beheler (Payne)
Barry Belcher   
Robbie Blanton
Sherry Booze (Nueesch)
Vickie Bowles (Poff)
Nancy Bowman (Pillis)   
Brenda Brooks (Ringley)
Curtis Brown    
Donald Burger
Connie Burkett (Hayes)
Kelvin Burrell
Victoria (Vickie) Byrd (Byr…)    
Barbara Calloway (Lewis)    
Denny Campbell    
Cathy Camper (Goad)    
Mike Carter  
Robert Carter  
Clayton Cook
Clinton Cook
David Cook  
Earl Cook
Debbie Costanzo
Randall Craft
Michael Cronise   
Gail Crowder (Hudgins)   
Kermit Daniel    
Debbie Davis (Hayslett)
Brenda Jane Dempsey (Green)
Richard Dewitt  
Rebecca Dickerson (Durham)
Robin Dogan (Corson)    
Rocky Dogan     
Kenneth Dooley
Norris Dudding  
Susan Epperly (Connor)  
Zenobia Fennell (Bailey)
Robert Ferguson
Chris Firebaugh
Ronnie Firestone   
Don Fitzgerlad   
Sandra Fix (Hodges)   
Kathy Fulp (Dickinson)    
Richard Giannini
Perry Gibson   
Morris Gill
Glenn Goad   
Mike Goad   
Greg Gray   
Mike Gray  
Betty Joan Graybill (Lunsford)
Barry Green
Gary Hall  
Joe Hambrick
Pearl Hampton  
Gary Hansbrough   
Jerry Hatcher
Stephanie Hermann (Deegan)
Pat Hill (Moody)  
Rodney Holdren   
Ed Holt    
Ann Hubbard (DeMaury)    
Betty Hubbard (Garber)   
Debra Hubbard  
Linda Huff (Wyatt)  
Cathy Hutchens  
Milla Ilieff    
Debbie Ingram
Margie Johnson
Mike Jones
Sarah Jones (Brant)
Tommy Jones  
Susie Keith (Sawtelle)
Leslie Keller
Reed Kelly   
Joan King (Meador)
Janice Kinzie (McFalls)
Sharon Kuykendall (Welch)   
Lewis Laprad  
Lynette Law  
Alan Lee
Bonnie Lee  
Mike Lee     
Denise Linkenauger (Sprinkle)  
Marsha Long (Fagg)
Jimmy Markey
Joe Martin
Jimmy McClung  
Rita Arlene McClung
Joesph Adrian McDowell  
Betty McFalls (Powers)
Danny McFarland   
Diana McKinney (Staton)   
Doanld Meadows  
Mary Anne Meloy
Quinnie Miller  
Linda Millirons  
Richard Minnix   
Twila Montgomery (McCown)    
Michael Moses     
Robin Murray   
Judy Muse (Dunahoo)
Mark Newton  
Carolyn Norris (Stultz)
Cathy Owen (Downs)
James Patram  
Randall Patterson
Marlene Paxton (Cox)
Steve Paysour  
Tonya Pendleton (Paxton)
Linda Petty (Cook)
Jimmy Powell
David Radcliff
Billy Ramey
Charles Reedy
Rodney Reynolds  
Darrel Rhodes  
Jerry Riddleberger  
Danny Roach   
Janice Roberts (Reed)
Patty Robertson (Hassenzahl)
Linda Ronk (Benedict)
Ramona Saunders (Tolley)
Loretta Shifflett (Cox)
Donald Short
Deborah Simmons (Wiley)
Mike Simmons
John Smith
Stormy Smith (Bishop)    
Jimmy Southers     
David St. Clair  
Shelbye St. Clair (Graham)
Roberta Stanley   
Angela Stewart (Fine)
Paul Sullivan  
Randy Swisher  
Emmet Talbot   
Rodney Taylor  
John Thomas
Christine Thompson
Terry Tolley
John Traylor    
Michael Tucker   
Thomas Turner   
Dale Vaughn    
Betty Wade (Hodges)
Carl Walker  
William Wall   
Paul Ward
Karen Lynn Webb (Silva)
Dale West  
Teresa Willard (Kincer)   
Barry Williamson
Carolyn Williamson (Lyon)
Debra Willis (Long)
Doug Wilson   
Barbara Womack (Kennemore)
Philip Wood
Donna Wright (Quesenberry)
Patricia Elaine Young

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