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In Memory

Virginia Siler

Virginia Siler

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05/28/16 02:10 PM #1    

Peggy Howerton

Virginia and I have been friends through the years. We met at Franklin. One memorable night (I think It was early high school) Virginia and I along with a cast of thousands-- spent the night in Jeanie Dickson's parents red Impala in the Preston State Bank parking lot to get Beatles tickets !
After HHS four of us -- Kathy Bell, Jean Bezucha, Virginia and I headed for the University of Arkansas. Kathy, Virginia and I pledged Delta Gamma and graduated in 1970. Virginia moved to Houston and married a man in the oil industry. That's where her love of travel began as they lived in London, the Middle East and Paris . They divorced and she continued to live in Paris, becoming fluent in French. I saw her frequently then as I was a flight attendant .. We had some great adventures with her French friends ..one time she took me to a Russian Orthodox church on 3 Kings day and we ended up in a caviar/ vodka bar ! LOTS of great times. She wanted to stay in Paris but work visa bureaucracy got in the way so she had to come back and moved to NYC .. She became a paralegal, got very involved in photography and historic preservation and continued to travel to Europe. I got to spend time with her in Paris in 2011 while she was dog sitting for a friend. Virginia was very interested in the world around her, had an infectious laugh and a wicked sense of humor, She died of congestive heart failure in New York last May, just before her 67th birthday. I miss her very much .
Peggy Howerton Fairchild

05/29/16 02:54 PM #2    

Robert Wiskera


thanks for adding the details.  It's wonderful as we look back and ahead to hear about the adventerous lives our classmates have lived or are still enjoying.

Bobby Wiskera

05/30/16 01:13 PM #3    

Pamela Owens

Peggy, I'm so glad to get that biography of an old friend. She surely lived a full life!  I'm looking forward to reconnecting with you at reunion too. As a flight attendant, I bet you've had some adventures of your own too!

05/31/16 11:05 AM #4    

Jeralyn Meer (Muhich)

I became friends with Virginia in George B Dealey elementary school.  Virginia was so very smart and always made straight 1's (remember the numerical grades?).  Virginia, Kathy Bell, me and Julie Wells were very close friends all through elementary school.  I heard her brother had committed suicide and she never quite got over that.  After elementary school our paths didn't cross that much and sadly we lost touch.  She did call me about 2 years ago and we had a great chat remembering our childhood friendship.  Peggy, I didn't know all that about her past - she was very humble and didn't go into all her travel adventures.  Thank you so much for filling us in on her life.

Jeri (Jeralyn) Meer Muhich

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