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In Memory

Arthur Wimmer (Scooter)

Arthur Wimmer (Scooter)

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02/27/16 10:26 AM #1    

Larry Aylor

I met Scooter in 8th grade. When we were in high school, he worked at the Gulf station in Preston Royal across the street from the Texaco where I worked.  Lots of girls would come into the Texaco where I worked with Joe McCloud (probably why the girls came in!) Jimmy Avann, Bill Dodgen and Rusty Washam.  We would fight over who got to wash the windshields.  Scooter would see us having fun and call our station. Use to tick us off because he would ring the phone just to pull you away from the scenery.  You could hear him laughing all the way across Preston. Scooter and I had many chocolate icebox pies at the Dobbs House behind the Texaco. Scooter was a blast to be around.  I will always remember his infectious laugh and humor.  Rest in peace cool dude.  

03/01/16 04:08 PM #2    

Barton Blaydes

I do remember Scooter working at the Texaco station and you working at the Gulf station. I don't know if you remember but I helped y-all out at the Gulf station one Saturday. In fact it was the Saturday of the Senior girls vs. Junior girls football game at SMU. Y-all were short handed that day and you asked me if I could help. I do remember all of us rushing out to wash the car windows when a girl drove in for gas. It was in the spring and there was always a bunch of girls coming in with their bathing suits on. I'm sure they knew what they were doing because some of them came back several times. Scooter tried to get me to come work with him at the Texaco station because he saw us having so much fun that day. I had a chevy carver at the time and drove in to the Texaco station and Scooter came out to service my car. I asked him to check the oil level for me, if you remember the carvers engine was in the back and the trunk was under the hood. Scooter asked me to open the hood so he could check the oil, so I did. He stood there for a long time trying to figure out where the engine was and he finaly came back with a funny look on his face. I just laughed and told him that the engine was in the back. That was the first time Scooter found out that a carvers engine was in the back. 

 Scooter and I were always good friends and we knew each other since 2nd grade at G. B. Dealey. We both were on the Dealey football team, Franklin football team as well as Hillcrests football team. We both took drivers training together  in 9th grade out at the old Greenhill school camps in Addison. There were three guys from Long Jr. high that took the same class with us, they all played football for Long and they were always talking tough. Scooter and I told them we would always have each others back. Those same guys went on to play football for Woodrow  and we stayed friends with them until we beat them in the city championship game. After that they didn't want to talk to us. In fact after we won city the Woodrow football team sent Coach Shelton a letter saying we didn't deserve to win.Scooter and I  kept in touch after high school and would visit every now and then when I came back in town. We always had some good laughs at our past high school reunions. There will never be another one like Scooter.


Bart Blaydes

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