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HGS 35th Class Reunion Planning

Hello Apaches,


Attached is a Survey for us to decide on how we would like to celebrate our 35th year Class Reunion. Please try to complete the survey as soon as you can and we will keep providing you with updates as we make decisions, based on your results. Due to this already being half way into the year, this will be a quick planning, straight to the point event. 

We would love to see you all, we would love to invite as many Classmates as we can so please note that "We only live once" and being able to gather would be a blessing.

Thanks so much for your attention, please invite anyone that you feel we have left out or that you have been in contact with.


You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * For pricing how much are you willing to spend on an event?

Just getting an estimate depending on the Venue, how many will attend and how many days you would like to celebrate.
2)   * How many days would you like to celebrate?

3)   * What type of dress code would you like to consider?

4)   Who would be attending the event?

This survey ended on 08/23/2023.