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***Please note that there is a known website issue on mobile phones when you try to access the site menu via the three bars in the top right corner.

You will need to click your profile icon first and then click the three bars to see the menu items. We also linked the pages you will need in this message.

You will not have this issue on a desktop computer...

PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE AND UPDATE YOUR PROFILE FOR CONTACT INFORMATION UNDER THE TAB "CLASSMATE PROFILES" SO WE CAN KEEP YOU IN THE LOOP. You will also need to find your name and click it to update your profile info and sign up for the first time.

If you have information for classmates who have passed away, navigate to the "In Memory" page and submit it to admin and we will update the information.

Please also check to see if you have any info for our "Missing Classmates" and submit that too!

Last Save: 07/09/23 08:07 PM Include a survey with this announcement Notify 103 Classmates that this announcement has been updated




Please log in on the class website SRVHS94.com to purchase your ticket or contact SRVHS94@gmail.com if you need assistance.


Event info will stay up on the site- click here for a link to event details which we will also provide below.

As of last night, we have 99 tickets sold against a goal of 100- any ONE of you want to help us out and buy a ticket?! I would love the hardworking reunion crew to have the satisfaction of hitting our 100-person target! And OF COURSE, we would love for you to join the fun!

We did want to include some parking info as it will be a busy Danville summer night so please leave yourself a few minutes to find a spot. The red "X" below is where Primo's is located at the corner of Diablo Rd. and Hartz Ave. All the yellow areas are great for parking including the highlighted public lots (like the one behind the Clock Tower)

Here is our event schedule:
(Please consider this a guideline only but we will try to stay on schedule):

5:30 pm Checkin/Appetizers/Drinks/ Photobooth
6 pm Welcome Greetings/ SR Trivia ($ Prizes!)
6:30 pm Class Photo
6:45 pm Dinner/ Slideshow
7:15 pm Dessert/ /Class Favors (Don't forget yours!)
7:30 pm + Farewell/ Feel free to hit Downtown Danville!
If you haven't already, please click here to download "Kahoot" to your mobile phones and sign up for a FREE account for our interactive trivia game. We will be using our phones to submit answers to our trivia game, and then we will announce FOUR cash winners!

As mentioned we are hosting the event on the roped-off patio area outdoors, the weather may be slightly cooler than usual for a Danville summer, so please grab a sweater or jacket just in case. We can use the patio heaters if it gets too chilly.

The dress code is CASUAL! Think jeans and sundresses.

You do NOT need a paper ticket as we will look your name up at the door.

Looking forward to seeing you!

-The Reunion Committee




Please log in on the class website SRVHS94.com to purchase your ticket or contact SRVHS94@gmail.com if you need assistance.

If you want to make our day, we would love to have only THREE MORE register as we would officially have 100 ticketed guests! We are currently at 97, and we would love to hit our goal as the Reunion Committee has been working hard to ensure a great turnout! 

Thank you all for spreading the word and connecting with your classmates!  If you are local and you have not bought a ticket, consider this note us peer pressuring you! (hint hint wink wink :) COME! Your classmates have donated to make this an amazing event! 

Here is our long-awaited event schedule so you all can start to get excited!
(Please consider this a guideline only but we will try to stay on schedule):

5:30 pm Checkin/Appetizers/Drinks/ Photobooth
6 pm Welcome Greetings/ SR Trivia ($ Prizes!)
6:30 pm Class Photo
6:45 pm  Dinner/ Slideshow
7:15 pm Dessert/ /Class Favors (Don't forget yours!)
7:30 pm + Farewell/ Feel free to hit Downtown Danville!

If you haven't already, please click here to download "Kahoot" to your mobile phones and sign up for a FREE account for our interactive trivia game. We will be using our phones to submit answers to our trivia game, and then we will announce FOUR cash winners!

As mentioned in the last two notes, the weather may be slightly cooler than usual for a Danville summer, so please grab a sweater or jacket just in case. 

The dress code is CASUAL! Think jeans and sundresses.

You do NOT need a paper ticket as we will look your name up at the door. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

-The Reunion Committee

Hi everyone,

We will send exactly 2 more event reminders!

The last day for ticket purchase is THIS Friday, July 26th and there will be NO TICKETS SALES AT THE DOOR.

Please log in to purchase your ticket or contact SRVHS94@gmail.com if you need assistance.

Also, we wanted to announce that we are adding a fun little twist to the event with some interactive SR Trivia for CASH. In advance of the event, please click here to download "Kahoot" to your mobile phones and sign up for a FREE account. We will be using our phones to submit answers to our trivia game, and then we will announce FOUR cash winners!

As mentioned yesterday, the weather may be slightly cooler than usual for a Danville summer, so please grab a sweater or jacket just in case. 

The dress code is CASUAL! Think jeans and sundresses...although we wouldn't kick you out if you opt for a costume. Just please make it good.

You do NOT need a paper ticket as we will look your name up at the door. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

-The Reunion Committee

Our reunion week is HERE!

You have until FRIDAY to get your ticket orders in as there will be NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR AND WE WILL NOT ADMIT UNTICKETED GUESTS.

Please log in to purchase your ticket or contact srvhs94@gmail.com if you need assistance!

We will send out four more reminders to count down the event (please do read them as we will sneak in some event info) 


It is not fair to the classmates who purchased tickets for us to allow non-ticketed classmates in the door. We will have the area roped off for our event. 

That said, we would LOVE to have you come, and we sure hope that you do!

What we can do is offer you a donated ticket if you cannot purchase a ticket. We do have a donation fund from your other classmates that we can tap into to assist you, but please let us know ASAP as we do not have "extra budget," for this event and we will use all of our funds. PLEASE spread the word.

I want to make sure it is crystal clear that we WILL kick people out of the event if they do not have a ticket. 

Please do not put us in that position as this is all supposed to be light-hearted and fun.

Other than that, let's get the last of our classmates ticketed folks!

Please send them our way so we can all enjoy an amazing event!

-The Reunion Committee


As promised we are counting down our final days to the event with reminders for those who have not yet bought their tickets.

Please continue to check in with  your classmates as there are only 4 more days to purchase tickets. The last day for ticket purchase will be Friday July 26th.

We are excited that we are expecting an amazing event turnout!

We actually have several classmates joining us that have not yet attended a class reunion! (eh hem, try not to scare them away!)

Please login to purchase your ticket.

(It will give you directions if you do not have an account if you go to login)

If you need any assistnace please contact srvhs94@gmail.com. Additionally, if you would like a donated ticket please let us know ASAP. We assign donated tickets on the honor system on a first come, first served basis, NO questions asked based on availibility. (We do still have tickets availiable).

For those of you who ARE joining us Satruday, just a head's up that it looks like the weather has suddenly decided to cool this weekend. Please do plan to bring a sweater or jacket just in case the evening gets chilly. At the moment, the weather is showing a high of 67 degrees Saturday which is amazing as it will be over 100 degrees to day in Danville. While we personally think the weather will shift to a bit warmer, please plan accordingly!

We did also want to make sure that once again we thank all of our amazing classmates that have stepped up to purchase tickets, donate tickets, recruit other classmates, offer help, and sponsor the event. We could NOT do it without YOU!

-The Reunion Committee

Two weeks to go folks!!! Yesterday your committee was hard at work on details...

A huge thank you to those of you who donated to the reunion with extra funds as it has allowed us to add a few fun surprises.



Please also let us know if you need a ticket donated by your classmates. We do not want anyone sitting out due to lack of funds. We do still have a few up for grabs NO questions asked, but you are on the honor system ;)

We are hovering right below 100 purchased tickets and we are hoping the last few of you will help us cross over the "goal line!" This has been our goal for the event as it is a very busy time of life. While everyone did opt for a more casual event, it will be a great one!

From what we understand from the other classes, OUR class always has THE BEST turnout. Thank you all for making this an amazing event as it is only as good as the people that attend.

We are still hoping that with your help, we can still pull in others. Please take a minute and reach out to some of your friends and add a healthy dose of FOMO and peer pressure...both are fully approved by your Reunion Committee. Shaming is okay with us too as it is quite effective.

We will send out "countdown" reminders next week, but please do not wait as it helps us quite a bit to know the headcount numbers to expect.

You do have to log in to purchase your ticket. 

If you need help or have any other questions, please reach out to us at srvhs94@gmail.com

We can't wait to see you!

-The Reunion Committee

Alrighty folks...

The time is almost upon us!

2.5 weeks, 19 days, and only 3 Saturdays from now it is time to party like it's 1994!

It is NOT too late to get your tickets or request a donated ticket.

If you are on the fence, GO!

If you know someone on the fence GO with them!

If you are a chicken and want us to reach out to them, let us know!

Tickets links are on the homepage but you must be logged in to purchase.

Please contact us if you need help with your account at srvhs94@gmail.com

We can't wait to see you!

-The Reunion Committee


Hi Everyone!

33. What does 33 mean you ask?! 

33 is the number of days until our THIRTY-YEAR reunion!

If you have not yet had a chance to buy tickets, please get those orders submitted!

(Reminder that you do need to create a profile or login- Please contact us if you face any issues at SRVHS94@gmail.com)

It is also time to bug your friends!

The numbers are climbing and we are expecting a pretty solid turnout, so please help someone spare some #FOMO! 

Also if anyone is looking for a pro tip- you can split a couple's ticket with your bestie! (just please let us know so we create nametags with their embarrassing high school pictures).

Do not hesitate to contact us if you are unable to purchase a ticket due to hardship- no questions asked but you are on the honor system.

We are looking forward to a super fun and HOT outdoor summer night! Can't wait to see you!

-The Reunion Committee

It was about thirty years ago this week that we were wearing green caps and gowns, excited about things to come when a white Bronco was being chased by the police and would reveal one of the biggest murder mysteries of all time. Does anyone else associate Friday, June 17th, 1994 with the OJ Simpson chase?!  He was caught at 6:45 pm, right around the time of graduation.

This week I had the pleasure of attending an SRVHS graduation for the Class of 2024. THIRTY YEARS LATER...my nephew was graduating. It as a little surreal, and I also noticed a few other SRVHS alumni's kids graduating! 

Wow, how time flies! How are we now the parents in the bleachers?!

I couldn't help but wonder if the kids themselves were worried about keeping in touch. So many of us spend our entire childhoods together, especially in our day. While they do have social media now, it is such a great life lesson to remind our kids to nurture their roots and spend time IRL with classmates and friends.

Is anyone else excited to hit the rewind button for a night?! Anyone else looking forward to a hot shaded patio night in downtown Danville with some pizza and beer and great company? Imagine chatting it up about the days before cell phones and the internet! After all, we are the generation that grew up drinking from the hose and going home when the streetlights came on. 

Can our kids today even relate?!

It is time to get those ticket orders in folks..it is not too late to crack some jokes with your OLD classmates and laugh at the complications that have come with time. Kids, wrinkles, life experience, spouses, partners, business...the topics to blab about are endless. 

Besides, we are now old enough to nightcap at Meenar's and Elliott's so you have no excuses.

Get those ticket orders in...

we are now a little over six weeks away

A huge thank you to those of you who have already bought your tickets!

If you haven't, don't forget that you do need to log into your account or create an account to purchase.

Questions-Please reach out to us at SRVHS94@gmail.com

We have been answering questions, and updating passwords like the bosses that we are in real life.

Can't wait!

-The Reunion Committee


As promised, one last reminder that TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR PRESALE tickets at a discounted price!!

Prices go up on Saturday, June 1!

If you are unable to attend you will see an option to donate to the reunion fund or to sponsor a classmate.

Please contact srvhs94@gmail.com if you need a sponsored ticket. 

We DO currently have a handful of available tickets donated from other classmates that are first come, first serve, no questions asked!!!

Donated tickets are anonymous on both sides. Thank you to those who have donated!

(Please do consider that a classmate on a tight budget may only be able to attend if a sponsored ticket is available, however you are completely on the honor system :) )

Thank you in advance for getting your tickets purchased as it helps us with headcounts and planning.

It also helps us if you reach out to your other classmates.

We can't wait to see you!

-The Reunion Committee

Just a quick reminder that PRESALE tickets are ending in TWO days!

Ticket prices will go up on June 1!

Please take a minute to purchase your tickets on our class website (click here) if you want to take advantage of the presale discount. A reminder that you will need to login or create an account as only classmates can purchase. We will NOT be selling any tickets at the door.

Thank you to all of those who have already purchased tickets. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at our reunion!

-The Reunion Committee

Helllllooo Everyone!

I just wanted to take a quick moment and reach out to you and ask you to join us for our 30 Year Reunion. If you have yet to buy your tickets or register on the class website, please take a minute and click here SRVHS94.com to sign up.  (You do need to log in to purchase as it keeps the invite to our class). Note that the ticket presale will END in TWO WEEKS and the prices are going up May 31st, and no tickets will be sold at the door.  It should be a wonderful outdoor casual summer event, but please do know that no matter how hard the reunion team works, the PEOPLE make the event. As we are not professional event folks, please know that the Reunion Crew has worked hard to get things done, and we have done our best to try to keep you all informed, but know that all of us are in a very busy time of life and doing our best to serve you., but please DO reach out to your other classmates and make sure they are informed and get their tickets. 

On a more personal note, I did hear some interesting reasons that folks consider not going, and I do want to take a minute and share some as it may also help you to start a conversation with another classmate who may try to "opt-out" for a terrible reason :)

Here are a few of the ones to throw out there:

1. I don't look as good as I did in High School

proposed response-"Dude, you are not alone we are old as dirt. And don't get me started on the 10-100 pounds I need to lose (because who doesn't?!) Plus if you are worried about being judged you can just judge other people...lol"

2. People wouldn't remember me!

proposed response-"Maybe, or maybe they would. Why not go make some new friends then, we have drink tickets that can give you liquid courage, so now what? Or maybe just network, we have some pretty successful classmates "

3. I see everything happening on social media

proposed response-"That is not possible. You never get the full story on social media. Never underestimate IRL."

4. I am broke

proposed response-"Reach out to the reunion team and ask if they have any sponsored tickets"

5. I have other plans like a trip planned

proposed response-"Oh shoot, then maybe reach out to the reunion team and sponsor someone else to go in your spot so the event is a success?"

6. I don't like pizza

proposed response-"seriously, eat the pasta or salad or something...and Primo's outdoor space post-COVID is swanky. It will be great people-watching and it will get you out of the house"

7. I don't like "so and so"

proposed response-"are they even going? you can ask the Reunion Crew and I can spike their drink.., or I can help you bury the body later?"

8. I don't have a spouse

proposed response-"um hello- I am sure someone else there will be single. Besides, lots of classmates go alone"

9. I am a raging introvert

proposed response-"Go sit next to an extrovert and let them talk. You can draw on a napkin or figure out how to hook up the slideshow. Plus you can people watch and eat pizza with drinks."

10. I didn't like anyone at San Ramon

proposed response-"Well I think you would be surprised how much you might have in common now, life kinda changes people"


But seriously folks- we want you there! All joking aside, we are at the age where we are starting to lose parents and classmates. You literally never know whose last reunion this may be, and we would hate for you to miss a chance to be there!

Please feel free to reach out with any comments, questions, or concerns. 

We will look forward to seeing you there!

-The Reunion Crew

Hi All-

Just a quick note as we have had some folks struggling with the survey "submit" button.


If you are trying to complete the survey, please make sure you are logging into the class website. . (If you have not created your account, you can do so HERE. You can also click "forgot password." If you forgot your email address on your account, please message us and we can retrieve it, but you will need a login to purchase your ticket as it associates you with the class!)


As a few people still were not seeing "submit" for the survey at the bottom of the screen, note that you can also send us a quick answer to the following questions via an email to srvhs94@gmail.com (Feel Free to Copy and Paste):


1. Have you already bought your ticket? 

A. Yes

B. Not yet but planning to go

C. No I cannot attend

2. If you are planning to go (as we are looking for numbers) are you looking to purchase a single ticket or a couple's ticket?

A. Single

B. Couple

C. Already purchased

3. I am planning to purchase my tickets in:

A. April

B. May


D. July

4. Do you mind sharing your name in case we need to follow up?

5.. Anything else we should know?


The Reunion Committee



Hi Everyone!

We are asking for your help with our reunion numbers! 

If you have a minute, can you please take a minute to do one of two things:

1. BUY your discounted presale ticket HERE (Prices go up May 31!)

2. RSVP via survey HERE  (You will still need to purchase your tickets)

Thank you!

-Your Reunion Committee



UPDATE 5/20/14:

Meal ordered have been submitted.  We can no longer accept meal orders.  If you are still interested in joining us after dinner (ie- you couldn't work out conflicting plans) please contact us- we can offer you late admission past 8pm at a 2 for 1 rate- ($105 per couple).     

Update: 6/11/14





Ticket deadline of June 14th is fast approaching- so we've got a win/win deal for you.  For every classmate you rope in we buy you a drink. Every time you get someone to purchase a ticket shoot us a message or email and we buy the booze.  Cheers!
I will pay someone cash money for a video like this...

As we are getting RSVPs one of the top three reasons people cannot attend is that they do not have childcare for the weekend. If you are a DANVILLE LOCAL wouldn't mind having a few extra kids with your sitter/ sitters at your home for the evening- please let us know and I will post a list of "SAFE HOUSES "- if you are trying to come from out of town and need help with childcare let us know- this is a team effort people- no man left behind!

Remember.  Relive. Reunite.

Get those music requests into our rockstar DJ Matt Collins!


This is your official rally cry... This volunteer reunion committee has done an amazing job of putting together a wonderful event. We are about two weeks away from our ticket deadline, and there are so many of you that we are still hoping plan to come. Please take a minute this weekend and contact your friends that have not yet bought tickets. A reunion is only as magnificent as the people that are a part of it. If every person attending can grab one or two more, we are set.
Xxoo hope to see you June 28th!



UPDATE 5/26/14:



UPDATE 5/15/14:

Brian Botteen has been named the head reccommendation for the SRVHS head Men's Varsity Coach!  Well done Danville!  Congratulations Coach Botteen! #wolfpride


Support our own SRVHS Coach Brian Botteen as he pursues the men's head coach position by standing up and being counted at the Danville Board of Education meeting May 20th at 7pm.   
Please click here for details. 


UPDATE 5/5/14:
Class of 1994,
Officially, we have 54 days and counting before our 20 year reunion!  We could not be more excited!  Your committee has been working hard, and we can't wait to see you!
We wanted to shoot you a quick update with what we need from you…Please take a minute and read all the way through.
If you haven't already, please go complete your profile.  The information in the database will help us keep you up to date, and informed for all future events.  If you did not receive a paper invitation, your information is definitely not current.  We can still send you one, but need you to respond to SRVHS94@gmail.com with your new address.
A huge thank you to those of you who have purchased tickets already!  In order to bring you the best possible event, we need ticket sales.  A lot of our fun extras like a photo booth depend on high attendance so it is time to lay on the peer pressure. If you have even had a thought of opting out let me assure you that it is not the same without you!
This one is simple- we either need your paper RSVP card or a response to this email letting us know the meal preference of you and your guest.  Please indicate how many would like Chicken, Beef, or Vegetarian
Currently we need volunteers for the night of event to set up, tear down, and check people in.  
We could still use help with collecting memorabilia which can be dropped off at 19 St. Tropez in Danville (please put your name on it)- we are looking for pom-poms, jackets, helmets, yearbooks, old invitations, anything fun that you think people would enjoy!
We need volunteers to help with the class picnic, set up and clean up.
We could still use help scanning old yearbook pics, or with decorations, if you want to jump in let us know!
If you may be interested in doing a dance or skit or such, please let us know…live entertainment would be fantastic.
We could use help with a tribute table for Dan Floberg and Brendan Cummings.  (If we have missed anyone, please let us know…_)
Please take and look in the "Missing Classmates Tab" for anyone that we may not have been able to locate.
If you can attach a response to SRVHS94@gmail.com that would be great.  Any old pic in high school. Memorabilia can be dropped off at 19 St. Tropez Danville (please put your name on it)
Let us know if you can do this…we don't want anyone sitting out for financial reasons.   We will only charge you if someone reaches out and needs a ticket….it is an anonymous match.  Please also let us know if you need a ticket…please don't be shy.
Matt Collins is DJing and looking for requests.  You can respond to us SRVHS94@gmail.com, or him directly at djmattc@me.com
Please, please, please share updates or the website link on any social media.  Do not assume that we have found everyone, we haven't~  Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc are all a great way to help us get the word out!  
If you have extra money that we can put toward the class picnic, or just to help with extra expenses at the reunion, that is great too!  Please let us know!
Also, we have had several questions regarding dress code for the evening. The official dress code is "cocktail"- think dresses but not full length gowns. Guys are fine in shirts and ties and jackets are optional.  A dressy Tommy Bahama shirt is great as long as it can compliment a "prom type" dress.  You are absolutely welcome to don an old letterman jacket or cheerleading uniform and forgo the dress code as long as it is festive :)
Our class is the best.  It's time to party like it's 1994!
Many Thanks!
The Reunion Committee 


54 days from now we will be partying like its 1994!  Click here for up to date countdown!  Buy those tickets, send in your old photos, find that dress or suit...it's on!!!



In case you missed it- Legendary Coach SRVHS Hans De Lannoy is retiring.  There is a retirement gathering at The San Ramon Marriott August 23rd.  For more information or for tickets please go to:  http://coachdelcharityworks.myevent.com/



As many of you already know, we tragically lost one of our beloved classmates this last year.  Today is Daniel Floberg's birthday.  In his honor on May 31st a group of his family and friends will be walking for NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)- as a class I want to offer our support to "Team Flo".  Please click the link below to donate to this amazing cause in his honor.  Happy Birthday Flo! We miss you more than you could imagine. 


Whoo hoo! 
Ticket sales are ramping up, the invitations have arrived, and it's starting to feel like a party!  

We are collecting photos and memorabilia at the moment- please drop us a line if you have any to share at SRVHS94@gmail.com

Also- please let us know if you are willing to purchase extra reunion tickets for a classmate in need.  Please contact us if you are experiencing financial hardship but would like to go to the reunion.  We have a few tickets available and this will be kept confidential.

We could still use a photo scanning guru for yearbook pics (the current team is overworked and underpaid) if you can take this on you would be one of my new heroes- 

PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE TO VERIFY YOUR ADDRESS AND FIND MISSING CLASSMATES BEFORE SUNDAY APRIL 13th - at www.srvhs94.com we are addressing the paper invites.

Go Wolves!


We need your high school pics!  Please email them to us at SRVHS94@gmail.com

We are also looking for a volunteer to scan yearbook pics.  If you are interested please let us know!

Thank you,

The Committee


We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting an optional Family Class Picnic on Sunday, June 29th, 2014 at Osage Park from 11am-1pm.  

Feel free to bring the kiddos, balls, games, shade, sunscreen, and smiles!  

PLEASE BRING A PICNIC LUNCH AND BLANKET OR CHAIRS as seating is limited. The park policy is. "No hard liquor", but I believe beer and wine is okay.  Spread the word!

Osage Park is located at:

816 Brookside Drive, Danville, CA

RSVP is not necessary, but appreciated.  You can email an RSVP or any questions to us at SRVHS94@gmail.com

We can't wait to see you!

The Committee 


We've got you covered with an affordable hotel block at The San Ramon Courtyard by Marriott.


Start date: 6/27/14
End date: 6/29/14
Last day to book by: 5/30/14
Marriott hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

·  Courtyard San Ramon  for 99.00 USD  - 104.00 USD  per night
Book your group rate: SRVHS 20 YEARS REUNION ROOM BLOCK >

Please take a minute to buy your tickets by clicking on the 20 Year Reunion Tab.


The Committee

SRVHS Class of 1994,
Welcome!  We are pleased to announce that our reunion date a location has been set!  
Our reunion will be held on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at the Blackhawk Auto Museum from 6:30pm-10:30pm.
Please take a minute to create your profile!  Please include all of your contact information.
Also please take a look at our "Missing Classmates" section and help us ensure that the event is a success!
We are also collecting addresses at: srvhs94@gmail.com, please feel free to email us with any questions.
All reunion news and updates will be posted to this site and via Facebook.  You can join our Facebook group at:
Once you have created a profile (or if we had your information) you will be added to all reunion email announcements.
Here's to 20 YEARS!  We can't wait to see you.  
Go Wolves!
The Reunion Committee