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•   Paul Hendrickson  8/19
•   George Wehmann (Karen)  7/25
•   Anne Irvine  5/9
•   Charles Smith  9/27
•   Carlota Geyer (Schechter)  9/13
•   Diane Dumont (McGrath)  9/9
•   Bjorn Cagner  5/3
•   Paul Dominis  11/29
•   Georgiana Smith (Bloom)  12/2
•   Jane Seyferth  6/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
5 live in California
3 live in Colorado
18 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
2 live in District Of Columbia
6 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
3 live in Maine
1 lives in Maryland
11 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
3 live in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
4 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Spain
1 lives in Sweden
252 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Darien High Class Of 1969 

Reunion web site! 


Thank you to all who attended the DHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion.

It was a blast!

Our thanks to the Reunion Committee and to our classmates and friends, many who traveled great distances .


Enjoy the site and we would love to see pictures and comments.



So let's get started:

Go to "Join Here" (right under "Sign In")

Find your Name 

Click and Fill in as much info as you want.

Once you become a member of the site - you can edit your information by clicking your name under Classmate Profile and can also upload a flattering picture or two.


Thank You and Enjoy!


DHS '69 Reunion Committee 
Jay Baker, Chris Bishof, Lauren Fair, Josie Mullen, Tim Potts, Ed Tyler, John van den Heuvel, Steve Verses

Check out the Class Link on Facebook

Darien High School Class of 1969


Sing along...

Darien High School hats off to you,
Darien High School hats off to you,
Darien High School Hats off to you,
We've got the coach and team, we got the pep and steam
so come on DHS, GO!


This site is a private site for the use of DHS '69 graduates only.  Only the Home Page is public.  In order to reach any of the other pages within our site, one must be logged in. 

No e-mail addresses, snail mail addresses/locations, or other information is accessible by anyone other than those in our class.


