Missing Classmates

Is your name on this list? Do you know the whereabouts of anyone you see listed here? Please reach out and help us to achieve 100% Class Connectivity!

If you see your name, click on First Time Visitors to get started. Once you've joined the site, you will drop off the Missing Classmates list. Don't forget to update your Profile.

If you have a way to contact someone you see on this list, PLEASE DO SO. Tell them about this site and encourage them to join, complete their profile, and be dismissed from among the ranks of the missing.

Our website--and future reunions we generate from it--will only be as good as the information we gather. Let's not leave a single classmate behind!

Stephanie Baldivieso (Baldivieso)
Anne Bark (Bark)
Brad Baumgardner (Baumgardner)
Ellen Bernstein (Fultz)
Kathleen Bindeman (Murray)
John Bossert (Bossert)
William Brinds (Brinds)
Lisa Burbey (Burbey)
Robert Cairo (Cairo)
Linda Carroll (Reisner)
Robert Combs (Combs)
Kevin Connair (Connair)
Molly Connelly
Catherine Conner (Conner)
Andrew Cook
Christopher Copeland (Copeland)
Albert Davis (Davis)
Corinne Davis (Davis)
Elizabeth Day (Markel)
Julie De La Chapelle (La Chapelle Lawson)
Lori Draut (Draut)
Anna Marie Dugan (Dugan)
Jonathan Etter (Etter)
Thomas Exley (Exley)
Kathleen Faiella (Workman)
John Fisher (Fisher)
Leo Flotron (Flotron)
Brett Fox (Fox)
Susan Gordon (Lavender)
Dennis Gray (Gray)
Scott Grove (Grove)
Michele Hager (Finch)
Holly Hattemer (Frey)
David Hecht (Hecht)
Susan Hill (Salvato)
Catherine Himmell (Aharon)
Lisa Hohenbrink (Richardson)
Todd Howell (Howell)
Steven Jefferis (Jefferis)
Douglas Johnston (Johnston)
Paige Jones (Benedict)
Jill Kaminski (Park)
Phillip Kasper (Kasper)
Frederick Kehrt (Kehrt)
Rebecca Kester (Calder)
Michael King (King)
Sandra King (Kress)
Molly Kling (Hill)
Emanuel Krumholtz (Krumholtz)
Leona Kuntz (Eckerman Caira)
Martha Kuntz (Schenck)
Shelley Kurtz (Sommer)
Susan Lambert (Brock)
John Le Boeuf
Jeffrey Lee (Lee)
Lawrence Leese (Leese)
Jay Lefforge (Lefforge)
Tami Malone (Charles)
Samuel Manavis (Manavis)
Jeffrey Martin (Martin)
Lynne Mason (Menke)
David Matheney (Matheney)
Jane McSherry (Cline)
Kyle Mills (Mills)
Susan Olt (Olt)
Lawrence Paul (Paul)
Theodore Plattenburg (Plattenburg)
Scott Reinhart (Reinhart)
Douglas Rice (Rice)
Laura Richeson (Gray)
Scott Rodabaugh (Cfp,er)
Kenneth Ronald (Ronald)
William Roth (Roth)
Kevin Schaffer (Schaffer)
Anne Shank (Hilton)
Christopher Sherk (Sherk)
Jane Sherriff (Black)
Mary Slonaker (Ritzert)
Andy Staley (Staley)
David Stavnitski (Stavnitski)
Soula Stefanopoulos (Stefanopoulos)
Cindy Thiem (Thiem)
Jasmine Tisma (Tisma)
Thomas Ulbrich
Stephanie Vukovic (Goeller)
Susan Walkup (Dorrough)
Leigh Walters (Waltz)
Thomas Walters (Walters)
Kimberly Weeda (McClusky)
Mary Weller (Ross)
Craig Weltge (Weltge)
James Wenkheimer (Wenkheimer)
Steven Williams (Williams)
Lisa Winterhalter (Winterhalter)
Lizabeth Woolery (Grossl)
Alison Yeazel (Tidwell)
Ekaterine Zois (Kordalis)