Classmate Profiles

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Benedict Alter (Alter)
Elizabeth Anderson (Stokely)    
Evan Anderson (Anderson)
Stefanie Andrews (Andrews)
Leah Annarino (Annarino)
Martin Baumberger (Baumberger)
Matthew Bennett (Bennett)
Theresa Birbilas (Birbilas)
Jeffrey Blank (Blank)   
Gregory Bonner (Bonner)
Allison Bowman (Rogers)
Simon Boyce (Boyce)
Jennifer Burkhardt (Burkhardt)
Taylor Burris (Burris)
Stephanie Burrows (Burrows)
Mia Calarese (St. Cyr)
Caren Campbell (Campbell)
Jay Carlile (Carlile)
April Carlson (Carlson)
Cameron Channell (Channell)
Meryl Collein (Collein)
Valentina Contin (Contin)
Nicholas Cornwell (Cornwell)
Robert Corrado (Corrado)
Steven Cowdrey (Cowdrey)
Jesse Cox (Cox)
Ryan Crawford (Crawford)
Matthew Crist (Crist)
Michael Cryst (Cryst)
Jamil Daoud (Daoud)
Carson Deck (Deck)
Jennifer Duncan (Robillard)
Nathan Elliott (Elliott)
Dana Ely (Ely)
Amanda Fines (Fines)
Brooke Folkerth (Jett)    
Jeremy Fox (Fox)
Jill Franz (Franz)
Gwen Gaydos (Gaydos)
Katherine Gleason (Gleason)
Jon Gorham (Gorham)
Shannon Greenamyer (Greenamyer)
David Greenwald (Greenwald)
Brandon Guyer (Guyer)
Sean Hayes (Hayes)
Bradley Heikes (Heikes)
Andrea Henry (Henry)
Nicholas Heppner (Heppner)
Susan Hoak (Hoak)
John Hochwalt (Hochwalt)
Matthew Hollon (Hollon)    
Heather House (House)
Michael Hu (Hu)
Robert Hunter (Hunter)
Jennifer Irvine (Irvine)
Eric Johnson (Johnson)
Aaron Jones (Jones)
Kyle Judy (Judy)
Hector Keily (Keily)
Adam Keller (Keller)
Sarah Kelly (Kelly)
Vincent Kendig (Kendig)
Ashley Kensinger (Batcheller)   
Emily Kimmich (Neff)
Sarah Kissell (Schulte)
Matthew Klum (Klum)
Virginia Knepp (Thompson)
Laura Koehler (Koehler)
Patrick Koons (Koons)
Katherine Kussman (Kussman)
Brooke Launius (Rogers)
Brian Lee (Lee)
John Lefforge (Lefforge)
Lauren LeValley (LeValley)
Tobias Lindqvist-Otttosson (Lindqvist…)
Adrienne Lorton (Lorton)
Marie Lyman (Lyman)
Courtney Lynn (Zartman)
Brooke Mackenzie (Mackenzie)
Erica Maharg (Maharg)
Stacy Maney (Maney)
Nicole Mannarino (Mannarino)
Amy Martin   
Ellen Mays (Mays)
Matthew McBride (McBride)
James McFarland (McFarland)
Ann McGinnis (Bailey)
Charles McKelvey (McKelvey)
Tommy Meyer (Meyer)
Isaac Miller (Miller)
Sarah Miller (Miller)
Charles Monett (Monett)   
Amanda Monteith (Monteith)
Brian Morris (Morris)
Emily Nickell (Vanderputten)
Robert Nischwitz (Nischwitz)
Kelie Niswonger (Ernst)
James Norton (Norton)
Christina Pearson (Manzewitsch)
Romain Picasso (Picasso)
John Pinard (Pinard)
Nicole Polzella (Polzella)
Josephine Prado (Prado)
Michael Putney (Putney)
Matthew Ransbottom (Ransbottom)
Adam Remnant (Remnant)
Donald Reynolds (Reynolds)
Alexandra Rodgers (Rodgers)
Joseph Rykaczewski (Rykaczewski)
Steven Savage (Savage)
Jessica Schaeffer (Schaeffer)
Lindsay Schafer (Schafer)
Heidi Schaller (Schaller)
Joshua Schmidt (Schmidt)
Kristin Schmidt (Schmidt)
Matthew Schorgl (Schorgl)
David Shelton (Shelton)
Alden Shepard (Shepard)
Julie Singh (Singh)
Nicholas Singh (Singh)
Natalie Smith (Maddux)
Weston Smith (Smith)
Lauren Stewart (Stewart)
Cara Surico (Surico)
Emily Surico (Surico)
Lucy Talbot (Andrews)
Nicole Taronji (Taronji)
Jill Teague (Teague)
Tara Thornton (Iorio)
Ilina Todorovska (Todorovska)
Sarah Tolles (Fesenmaier)
Angela Tzouras (Tzouras)
Elizabeth Vandagriff (Vandagriff)
Stephanie Walker (Walker)
Melissa Weatherly (Weatherly)
Jessica Weisenbach (Weisenbach)
Abby Wells (Gross)
Lesley Whalen (Jones)   
Krista Wurst (Wurst)

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