In Memory


Danny Klotz

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04/07/14 03:16 AM #1    

Claudine Powell

Just joined this sight to try and get in touch with Danny. Dated him when I was 17. Just clicked on (in memory) to see if there would be anyone I might recognize and when I saw his name my heart literally sank, it honestly made me sick.  I remember him singing to the Temptations, and him and his friends pushing his car while I popped the clutch to get it started!! He was such a sweet guy, always smiling and making me laugh. I wish I could have talked to him one more time, but I know I'll see him again someday. It's just still hard for me to believe. To all his family and friends, knowing the kind of person he was I know you were all loved so much and I will keep you all in my prayers. I just found this out and I am so sorry. God bless you all.    Claudine

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