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Where is Theodore McCoy?

Created on: 07/31/09 08:14 PM Views: 1010 Replies: 5
Where is Theodore McCoy?
Posted Friday, July 31, 2009 03:14 PM


I would like to know where is Theodore McCoy??  I can only envision him sitting next to Bill Gates.  Like myself and maybe Patrick Loegering who can contest that he was an exceptional programmer, nerd, and or geek.  If asked to do a three-page report Ted did fifteen.  If asked to do ten lines of code Ted did thousands, so I want to know if Ted is secretly in some dungeon layer designing my next O/S. (operating system - windows)??

-chep phommachakr


RE: Where is Theodore McCoy?
Posted Friday, October 2, 2009 11:38 AM

What's up Chep?!?



And yes, where is Ted?

Edited 10/02/09 11:38 AM
RE: Where is Theodore McCoy?
Posted Wednesday, December 16, 2009 05:44 AM

Well, the last time I ran into Ted (Well, I didn't really run into him, I just cyberstalked him and shot him an email.) he was Ohio State working as an assistant professor or something waaaay above my paygrade and intelligence scale (much like in High School). 

I just cyber stalked him again and it appears he is now moved on to William Penn.  BTW, has anyone heard from Robert Powell?  Last I knew he had just gotten married and was living in Ireland.


Well, type at you all later.

Greg Rohwer-Selken (used to be Greenwood - don't ask.  Long painful story that required large doses of alcohol for medicinal purposes to explain.)

RE: Where is Theodore McCoy?
Posted Tuesday, January 5, 2010 05:10 AM

Whatup Duffy!!  Looking good as a family man!!


Good for Mr. McCoy.  He is our John Nash representative and I hope he makes a few discoveries in our lifetime.


Robert Powell, man!! he's a cool cat too.

RE: Where is Theodore McCoy?
Posted Tuesday, January 5, 2010 09:41 AM

I chatted with Robert Powell a few years back via he's doing fine and is ever the Motohead fan.

Good to hear that Ted is doing well... Now if that Duffert-guy would turn up or shoot me an email that would make my day. LOL

RE: Where is Theodore McCoy?
Posted Saturday, February 26, 2011 12:22 AM

 I was really hoping Ted would have shown up at the 20 year reunion with a bunch of hot women under his arms. Lord knows that guy deserves after some of the crap he had to go through. By far the most intelligent person i ever met.