East High School
Class Of 1990
Gregory Greenwood Rohwer-Selken
Well, hmmm, where do I start? Been married, been divorced, been thin, been fat, still am fat, been short, been tall, not really just short. That about sums it up.
As far as what I've been doing since I left East. Well, customer service mostly and chipping away at college when time allowed. When I finished my degree, I finally escaped the craptacular world of customer service and will soon be following my dream of being a vagabond ESL teacher. I currently Live in Fenghua China. I teach about 60 students whose age ranges from 4 to about 15. For the first time in my life, i can honestly say, I love my job. No more managing call centers where people don't show up to work on time or sometime, at all. No more listening to people complain about their magazine subscriptions, their credit cards, their phone being broken. Just me following my dream!!! Wooohooo!!
I remember this one time, at band camp, when all us freshmen were chased all over hell and back at Camp Dodge and being dunked in drums of water. Good times, Good times.... wait a minute... not good times. I still shake uncontrollably and loose bladder function when I get near water. Okay... not really, as far as you know. I would avoid swimming locations where I am present just to be safe. (I also would avoid thinking about the image I just created for you, me in a swimsuit. Not enough mind bleach in the world my friend, not enough.)
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