In Memory

Doug Sprietsma Rhoton

Doug Sprietsma Rhoton

Information found in previous reunion booklets:  Doug wrote:

In case you’re wondering about the name change, I went through school using my step-dad’s

name (Sprietsma). After graduating, I started using my legal name, Rhoton. Life has been good.

I retired from Franz Bakery last year after 28 years and love the leisure life! I have a wonderful

wife, Debbie, who continues to work at Boeing in the Executive Flight Department. She was

recently transferred to the Chicago area, so we are moving to the mid-west to start a new

adventure..We have 2 grown kids and 4 grandchildren.

From the Social Security Death Index:

Name: Doug B. Rhoton
Last Residence: 98023  Federal Way, King, Washington
BORN: 16 Dec 1945
Died: 12 Feb 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: Washington (1960-1961)

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01/08/14 02:42 PM #1    

Jerry Childs

Doug, we go back to our days at Olympic JH.  I was just going through the pictures from the 40th and have some great ones of you and Debbie.   We're going to miss you ole' pal!

02/05/14 10:30 AM #2    

Gretchen Rohrscheib (Sonju)

lots of memories from grade school at Angle Lake.  Nicki and Doug, a first "romance," parties in the rec rooms in 6th grade.  Much later, dancing with Doug at the 30th when you still worked at Gay's throwing racks of bread around.  Your biceps were like steel!   Like many of us, {I hope} you improved with age.

sorry to miss you at this one.

07/23/14 12:47 PM #3    

Jim Tomlinson

I fondly remember attending a birthday party for Doug in 1957 in his parent's rec-room. I had bought him the 45 of Buddy Holly's "Peggy Sue". He loved it...I can still see the orange and black Coral Records label. The girls were sitting along one wall and the boys against the other sheepishly gazing at each other. Doug put on "Peggy Sue" grabbed someone (probably Nicki) to dance with and the ice was broken. I think I chose Louise Harrison. He and Bobby Downs had the world's greatest DA hairdos! I'm glad I got to talk with him at the 1984 gathering.

I was truly moved by the announcement of his passing.

Sleep well...




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