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•   Lurene J Iverson (Richards)  8/6
•   Roy R McMullen  7/31
•   Roger Cecil  7/25
•   Keith Hunziker  7/24
•   Daniel Goldsmith  7/17
•   Steve LeBlanc Smith  7/12
•   Clifton Orcutt  7/8
•   Barbara Griffin (Peterson)  7/7
•   Dianne Chatham (Draze)  7/1
•   Michael Brown  6/17
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1 lives in Alabama
5 live in Alaska
10 live in Arizona
10 live in California
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
3 live in Idaho
2 live in Kansas
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Minnesota
3 live in Montana
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in Ohio
4 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
101 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
5 live in British Columbia
1 lives in Portugal
61 location unknown
92 are deceased



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Mount Rainier Senior High School
Class Of 1964

Over 60 years ago, 323 young teenagers were released onto the world as graduates of Mt Rainier High School in De Moines, Washington. Ninety two are since deceased—several from the Vietnam War. 131 moved away or cannot be located. Still, this August, 70 of them showed up to celebrate their 60-year reunion. They were very much alive, laughing, loud, and thankful. Wish you could have been here.

Jim Cissell 8/11/24

Go Rams!


60-Year Reunion:

Our Mt Rainier High School 60 year reunion was held August 2-4, 2024 at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton in SouthcenterIn the Summit Room, with private patio, it was three straight days of laughing, singing, feasting and drinking. There was Jerry Childs on roving mic, Craig Martinson's tributes, pysics teacher Edwin Johnson as our Mystery Guest, rousing renditions of our Alma Mater, Diane and Linda's amazing decorations, Doug and Marcy and Karl and Sherilyn on the front lines, and Tom, Lesie, Phyllis, Donna, Polly, Gordon, Jayne, Pat, Sherrie, Shannon, and Linda behind the scenes. The food was fabuous--tri-tip and fudge to die for. Thanks for keeping your Classmate Profile updated. Rumor is that Mike Mitchell and Perry Eaton might be running things going forward.


Classmates attending our 60th:

Alquist, Toni (Meneses) and Alejandro

Bell, Monnie (Rogers) and George

Blais, Larry and Linda

Boynton, Dick

Breeden, George and Barbara

Butler, Richard

Caroll, Sherilyn (Myhre)

Cecil, Roger and Julie

Childs Jerry and Shannon

Cissell, Jim and Linda Johnson

Claus, Rodney

Cohn, Victoria "Tori" (Peters)

Cooper, Garth and Norma

Cox, Linda (Diaz)

Despain, Sherrie (Hatch) and Arnie

Dezutter, Tom and Elaine

Dibley, Renee (McAdoo)

Dreyer, Marcy (Sanford)

Eaton, Perry and Ardene

Funk, Steve and Jean

Goldsmith, Dan

Harris, Leslie (Walters)

Heinzel, Michael

Hennen, Tom

Hoeh, Mary (Fuller) and Larry

Iverson, Lurene (Richards)

Jackson, William Edward and Linda

Jarvi, Karen (McDaniel) and Ira

Johnson, Ed and Violet

Kaiser, Polly (Heinselman)

Kinney, Suzanne (Weaver)

LeBlanc Smith, Steve and Heather

Martinson, Craig and Shannon

McMullen, Neena (Stoner) and Jon Schaffer

McMullen, Roy and guest

Meek, Rick and Gwen

Miller, Donna (McLain) and Paul

Mitchell, Mike

Morgan, Donna

Myrhe, Karl

Pepple, Donna (Ashley)

Ridge, Diane (Boyd) and Jim

Salvatore, Jayne (Schlosser)

Sanford, Doug

Schubert, Connie (Osman)

Skau Phyllis (Savini)

Smith, Patricia (Wilson) and Bob

Thurott, Frankie (Elder)

Wales, Scott and Kalen

Wilson, Lawrence

Sadly, Thomas and Kendra Woods had to cancel due to a family emergency.


Recent Classmate News:

November 21, 2023: Paula Hankins Ralph passed from complications of Parkinsons. See In Memoriam.

2023: Paul Kaiser passed May 31, 2023 after chemo and radiation treatment for lip/throat cancer. He is survived by his wife, Cindy and his three sons and daughter. His twin sister, Polly, also lost their Mom (102 yrs young) and her husband, Roy all in less than the first six months of 2023.

July 22, 2023: 21 classmates (mostly the reunion committee) attended a mini-reunion at Leslie Harris's clubhouse. We talked about a boat cruise (WAY too expensive) and a picnic at a local park. 

June 2023: Sue Kinney Weaver reported that Mical Erickson Holcomb passed recently from ketoacidosis. She is survived by her husband, Leroy, 4 children, and 6 grandchildren.

2022Vicki Langbehn passed on December 14th from a massive brain bleed after several strokes. Nickey Derry passed on November 22nd. Sue Bonn's husband, Sam, passed November 14th. Teacher and Coach Gerald Ramey passed in May, Jim Arkills in April, and Larry Martini on February 22nd. See his memorial service at If you know of any others, or have any Classmate news, email Jim Cissell

Our 55th Reunion was held August 2-4, 2019 at the DoubleTree Inn, Southcenter. 107 of your classmates/spouses/friends attended. The snowballs were a big hit! Thanks, Leslie.

Thanks to all who came and made it a big success! Here's the List of those Classmates alphabetically by Last/Maiden name:

Friday 91 and Saturday 87: Alquist, Toni--Blais, Larry--Breeden, George--Carroll, Sherilyn--Cissell, Jim--Cooper, Garth--Cox, Linda--Davis, Alan--Despain, Sherrie--DeZutter, Tom--Dreyer, Marcy--Eaton, Perry--Funk, Steve--Harris, Leslie--Henning, Don--Hoffman, Steve--Hooten, Dawn--Iverson, Lurene--Jackson, William "Ed"--Jacobus, Dean--Kaiser, Paul--Kaiser, Polly--Kinney, Sue--Langbehn, Vicki--Linder, Liana--Martinson, Craig--Miller, Donna--Mitchell, Mike--Morgan, Donna--Mousley, Anita--Myrhe, Karl--Noson, Dennis--Reuland, John--Richardson, Joe--Ridge, Diane--Saari, Alice--Salvatore, Jayne--Sanford, Doug--Schubert, Connie--Sloan, Jim--Sloper, Randy--Smith, Patricia--Sousa, Frank--Thompson, Laurie--Thurrott, Frankie--Tonseth, Dean--Wales, Scott--Whiteman, Gary--Wyandt, Yon.

Friday only-19: Alire, Patricia--Boynton, Dick--Claus, Rodney--Cohn, Victoria--Collins, Mike--Eichler, Carolyn--Hennen, Thomas--Hunziker, Keith--LeBlanc, Steve--Martini, Larry--Meek, Rick--Schlecht, Rich--Williams, Janet--Williams, Ken.

Saturday only-9: Albrecht, Hugh teacher--Cox, Georgianne--Hoeh, Mary--Ryerse, Rick--Williams, Mike.

Click on 55th Reunion Photos in the left column to see more fun pictures.

Karl Myhre and Tom DeZutter host the TV jingle contest.

Thanks to Diana Wadell and the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton in Southcenter for the awesome venue, fabulous service, and wonderful food! Thanks to Perry Eaton for picking up the hard liquor tab on Saturday!

John Reuland and Perry Eaton.

Thanks to Liana Linder, Polly Kaiser, and Mary Hoeh for all the great photos--and to Polly who went through and identified every single person!

And thanks to all your Committee members  who provided almost all the food Friday and made the whole thing possible--Polly Kaiser Heinselman, Craig and Shannon Martinson, Diane Ridge-Boyd, Donna Morgan, Karl & Sherilyn (Carroll) Myhre, Doug and Marcy (Dreyer) Sanford, Jayne Salvatore Schlosser, Linda Cox Diaz, Patricia (Smith) and Bob Wilson, Leslie Harris Walters, Vicki Langbehn Mattson, Phyllis Skau Savini, Scott and Kalen Wales, and Larry Blais! Thanks to their efforts and the great rates negotiated by former DoubleTree manager and classmate Tom DeZutter, we ended up with almost $9000 in the bank!

Warning! Do not give this man a microphone.

Doug and Marcy Dreyer Sanford

Our 50th Reunion--August, 2014--189 classmates and guests attended!

Nobody wanted it to end. The food was amazing, the libations kept flowing, we laughed until we cried--and cried until we laughed. The years pealed away as we saw inside each other the little kid whom we had grown up with so many years ago. It was magic! Lee Gagnon Whipple's daughter attended and texted her friend that "for folks their age, they are really loud!" Even the spouses had a blast! They discovered that we have a very special class! See pics on the 50th Reunion Photos page. Post your own photos at the bottom of that page.

Periodically visit this website for updates and to keep your Profile current. On the yellow Nav bar on the left, under Member Functions, click on Edit Profile. To add or update photos, click on Photos on the top right. Then, click on Upload a New Photo. Once photos upload and you see the green check mark, you can drag and drop them in any order you want. Click Done. You can also add videos, but keep them small so we don't go over our allotted space.


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