Roger Cecil

Profile Updated: July 25, 2024
Roger Cecil
Military Service: U S Air Force  
Spouse/Partner: Julie
Children: James, Mary & Robert
Occupation: Financial Analyst, CPA (retired)
Yes! Attending Reunion

Spouse: Julie
Children: Robert, Mary and James
Grandchildren: 10 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild
Finance Manager for Philips Medical Systems (retired)
Highlights of Your Life Over the Past 60 Years:
After high school I worked the summer and then joined the Air Force where I worked as a jet engine technician. Served most of that time in Asia. Married my beautiful wife, Julie, in 1966 while stationed in the Philippines; we’ll celebrate our 58th this
coming December. After the service, I finished getting my A & P ratings from the FAA and worked in Flight Test at Boeing for a couple of years.
After Boeing, I went to college and graduated from the U of W with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Accounting. Passed the CPA exam and worked as a CPA in public accounting for 6 or 7 years. Worked as a Finance Manager for Philips Medical Systems in Bothell. Have traveled quite a bit to Europe and around the U.S. in my work. Julie worked as a production supervisor (now retired) for ATS.
We also founded and operated a nurse staffing agency in 2006 and ran it successfully thru 2008. When the economy collapsed in late 2008, we were forced to close our business also. Interesting experience, to say the least, but “hey, we tried”!

What are the moments or achievements you are proudest of--both in high school and afterwards?

I graduated with my class thanks in large part to the guidance of Mr Al Torgerson, my counselor. I guess he saw something in me, and convinced me to see it thru.

Later in life, while attending college, I met Mr Torgerson who was working there. I expressed my respect for him and my thanks to him for his guidance.

Roger's Latest Interactions

Roger Cecil updated his profile. View.
Jul 25, 2024 at 6:42 PM
Roger Cecil posted a message.
Feb 28, 2020 at 3:22 PM

Hey Steve....I didn’t make it to the last reunion, but had I known you and my old friend Gorman were coming I would have certainly gone. I haven’t seen you since basic training (remember we joined under the “buddy system”. I’d sure like to make contact with you again.

Roger Cecil posted a message.
Dec 16, 2016 at 1:13 AM

Our paths kind of paralleled a bit. I also went in the USAF in Aug 1964. I was stationed in the Philippines where I met and married my wife....50 years this month.

Jul 15, 2014 at 12:53 AM