In Memory

Joe Richardson

Joe Richardson

Facebook post: Progress as of 31 Dec 2020

I had my last radiation treatment yesterday. The treatments only addressed the mass at L2, which has been giving me intense lower back pain. That pain is starting to abate. The real problem is with the mass at T10/T11. That's the one that could paralyze me from that point down.

I talked with the radiologist, Dr. Shah, on 29 December. He gave me the results of the MRI from Christmas Eve. He had discussed it with the surgeon earlier and it seems surgery is an option. Unfortunately, that surgery is a tough one, and to do it while I'm having lower back pain wouldn't be fun. Evidently, the threat of pinching off the spinal cord and paralysis isn't imminent, so they will wait two months for the pain to go away and do another MRI to see whether to operate or not. Obviously, if I start losing feeling or the use of my lower extremities it becomes an emergency and I go straight to surgery. The bad news is surgery won't get all of the mass and I don't know whether they have a plan to get rid of that.

Let's pray 2021 is a better year. I thank God He's in charge, otherwise I'd be scarred.

4/29/2021 Some might not be aware that Joe flew west Monday the 12th of April. I will keep his FB site open a while longer, but will be shutting it down in the near future.
I thank God he's at rest with no more pain.
Diane Richardson

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05/04/21 05:59 AM #1    

Liana Linder (Nordell Wiik)

I am so sorry to hear about Joe's Homegoing. I have so many memories of him from HS days and always enjoyed seeing him at reunions. Diane, please accept my condolences. May God be your true comfort.

05/04/21 12:22 PM #2    

Jerry Childs

Thanks for your service Joe!  RIP

05/04/21 03:53 PM #3    

Jim Cissell

I'm glad you're through with the pain, Joe. Thanks for sitting with us at the 50th Reunion. If the old gang all ends up in the same place, and I pray we do, look us up for a game of hearts--and laughing so hard we make milk come out of Ross Okawa's nose.

Jim Cissell

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