In Memory

Bradford Weiss

Bradford Weiss

Deceased Classmate: Bradford Weiss
Date Of Birth: 06-26-1946
Date Deceased: 06-14-2015
Age at Death: 68
Cause of Death: Pancreatic cancer with mets
Classmate City: Las Vegas
Classmate State: NV
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: Yes
Survived By: Wife: Netty Turkmany-Weiss Step children: Anthony & Antonia Turkmany Step grandchildren: Daniel & Jessica Winder Step great-grandson: Julius Robinson His sister: Zee Straight-Weiss His brother: Rex Weiss
Bradford was a Viet Nam veteran, served two tours in the navy (1964 - 1968). Brad was a Quality Manager in the aerospace industry. He was a great father and grandfather. Treating the children as his own. He retired in July 2012 and moved to Las Vegas. He was on a bowling league - bowled 3 to 4 times a week on the league. He also enjoyed going to the movies, and was President of the association where we moved in Las Vegas. He gave many hours of service to the association, fixing or replacing lighting, doing electrical work and making sure everything was in order. The association told me after Bradford passed that he had saved the association many thousands of dollars with all the volunteer work he did. He is loved and missed. His death was quick after diagnosis of pancreatic cancer which had spread. Three weeks to the day after diagnosis he passed away from a lung embulism. He passed away in the hospital peacefully with me (his wife) at his side. I thank God for the wonderful years and the beautiful memories I have with Bradford. He is an angel in Heaven now, but I am still heartbroken about losing Bradford. We had so many plans that will never be. His loving wife, Netty Turkmany-Weiss
