Classmate Chatter


Forum: Classmate Stories


What's your story?

Created on: 25/05/14 11:22 PM Views: 1818 Replies: 1
What's your story?
Posted Sunday, May 25, 2014 11:22 PM

Everyone has a story. Please tell us a story.

RE: What's your story?
Posted Tuesday, May 27, 2014 10:52 PM
My story is I started helping find lost classmates for the reunion committee and had the best time tracking down classmates and emailing back and forth. My time at Denby seems like a dream. I found it upsetting to find so many classmates died so early. For some reason I really don't think of myself as old. I hope everyone who reads this decides to come to the reunion because it actually could be the last time you see your old friends. See you at the reunion.
