In Memory

Dave Jackson

Dave Jackson

David L. Jackson passed away peacefully at approximately 7 PM the

evening of June 20, 2017 in Rome. Georgia, where he and his wife Shelia of 

thirty years had lived.

There is a Memorial serviced planned for Saturday, June 24, 2017 at the 

Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1941 Shorter Avenue, Rome Georgia 30165.

Visitation is at 11 AM and the Memorial Service shall follow at noon.

Dave attended Will Carleton Elementary, Columbus Junior High, and then

graduated from Edwin Denby in June of 1964.

Dave was indeed a great guy, and will be missed.

Thank you Ray (Walgraeve) Carpentier for sharing this with us. Your Class

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22/06/17 09:48 AM #1    

Beverly Falandys (Hill)

Daivd,was a dear sweet friend. We new each other since Carleton,Columbus,and Denby. I have so many memories when we were much younger. All good! He stood up at my weddind in 66.So sorry to hear of his passing. R I P David!

22/06/17 12:23 PM #2    

Christopher Delwiche (Denby 65)

I knew Dave from Carleton to Denby. When I was on the "Saftey Patrol" at Carleton, Dave's parents let me leave my bike in their backyard during school days, to shorten my walk to my duty corner at Casino and Wayburn. Dave was always friendly and thoughtful....Rest in Peace!

Chris Delwiche (RVN 67-68)     Denby, January 1965

22/06/17 12:25 PM #3    

Joyce Rehdorf (Peters)


So sorry to hear about Dave.  We had many fun times together for a few years, and then reconnected through this website at reunion time.  We got to know each other as he hung around with John Loebel and Ken Tatum who were friends of mine.  This time of life is pretty heartbreaking watching friends leave us.  Prayers for peace to his family.  Thanks for this site and posting, good and sad things.  Living out of state, I had lost touch with so many.

Joyce Rehdorf Peters

22/06/17 01:02 PM #4    

Rick Spence



So very sorry to hear of Dave's passing.  He and I attended Ferris in 1964-65 where we became closer friends than we were at Denby.  After we both left Ferris I saw him a few times at parties on the Wayne State University campus  .  Dave was above all a good person.  I feel sadness at having lost touch with him, only to hear later of his death.  My prayers for Dave and his family.



22/06/17 09:49 PM #5    

Cheryl Franta (Rusiecki)

I knew Dave from Denby.  We had a few classes together.  I had a lot of internet interaction with Dave while helping to find 64 graduates for our 50th reunion.  Dave will be missed.

24/06/17 05:53 PM #6    

Raymond J Walgraeve /Carpentier

I just returned home to Tennessee , after having attended the Visitation and Memorial service for Dave.    It was good to see Dave's wife Shelia, and meet numerous members of his family, including his Grand Son, Trey who was absolutely his pride and joy!      All who attended were there to celebrate Dave's life.    He was a rather extraordinary man, a super great husband, a dear friend to many, and of course, a wonderful and loving Grand Father.    Dave will be missed by many.   Thank you Dave for being part of my youth, and for having re-connected in recent years. You enriched my life.    Rest in peace my friend.    Sincerely, Ray Cartentier (formerly: Walgraeve)

25/06/17 10:38 AM #7    

Beverly Falandys (Hill)

So happy you were able to attend Ray. It was a great tribute,to a great guy!

26/06/17 03:30 PM #8    

Lyndon (Lyn) Isaacson

I don't think that Dave and I shared even one class while at Denby.  However, we attended the same church (St. James Presbyterian).  We were active in the church's Youth Group.  A lot of Denby 64 alums attended that church; as well as many from the Denby 65 class.  The Thursday before our 50th Reunion Dave, Mike(Denby65), Don(GPHS65), and I went to dinner together.  We spent about 3 hours talking, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company.  Dave was a great guy.

28/06/17 08:28 AM #9    

Daniel Brower



Dave and I hung out alot in '64 thru '66.  My memories seem to be all about the crazy things we did in the summer.  Maybe it would be best to described us as summer beer buddies.

Dave definitely had a creative imagination for doing absolutely insane things that would make our gang laugh until we cried.  Whenever Dave started a sentence with the word "LETS" we could count on something crazy to follow.  His smile and laughter were absolutely infectous which made hanging out with him so much fun.

One time we were driving on Jefferson out by Burkemos.  It was late, maybe 1:00 or 1:30 in the morning.  All of a sudden Dave yells "Wait, Go Back, Go Back".  We had just passed some roadway construction which had several flashing lights on sawhorses intended to protect the area.  Dave wanted to procure one of those lights and pull a joke on his ex-kinda girlfriend Melissa.   He jumped out of the car and pulled a  light and sawhorse into the back seat where he and I were sitting.  Then he grabbed a second light and sawhorse and jammed it into the backseat.  We sped away like bank robbers all roaring with laughter.  The problem was that the lights were bolted to the horses and they couldn't be turned off without a key.  They were yellow flashing strobe lights that  were blinding bright when they flashed   So we drove away with the interior of the car flashing brilliant yellow every second or two. 

We wrapped the lights in our jackets and shirts trying to hide the light but that only changed the color of the light.  The car was still blinking like crazy.  We couldn't stop laughing at the rediculous situation we were in as we stealthly navigated deserted side streets.

Eventually we arrived at Melissa's house. where Dave's plan  went into action.  With one of the lights and sawhorses we all climbed the wall surrounding her back yard where there was a darkened in- ground swimming pool.   Dave's plan was to toss both lights into the pool.  The first light sank to the bottom of the pool and being waterproof it just kept on flashing. To ou surprize, the water and the bowl shape of the pool seemed to make the yellow blinking about ten times brighter.  The pool was brilliant and the yard and surrounds would momentarily light up like it was daylight.  We were so shocked at the effect that we could hardly stop laughing as we climbed over each other as we tried to escape the yard. 

The next day we heard that Mellisa's mother had been wakened by the commotion.  She had immediatly called the police with a plea to come as fast as possible.  She told them that a UFO or spaceship had landed in her swimming pool.

Over the years Dave and I have laughed about that incident as well as a bunch of other crzy things we did at his suggestion.  He sure was funny and crazy when we were young guys.

Dave died on Summer's Eve.  Surely he'll brighten heaven upon arrival



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