Mel Birnkrant

Profile Updated: November 12, 2020
Mel Birnkrant
Mel Birnkrant


Mel Birnkrant


Mel Birnkrant


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: Beacon, NY USA
Spouse/Partner: Eunice Birnkrant
Occupation: Toy Inventor/Collector
Children/Grandchildren Daughters: Samantha, 1960-2002, Alexandra Toots, 1967.
Grandson: Sammy, 2006.

I guess if anyone remembers me it would be as the kid who wanted to work for Walt Disney. My friends at Mumford were few and far between, but everyone seemed to know me, because I did the artwork in the yearbook, which for some ridiculous reason was incongruously titled the “Capri.”

School Story:

This story might bring back a few memories, for anyone who happened to see our art club’s puppet production of James Thurber’s “Thirteen Clocks” it also explains the dematerialization of my Disney dream.

Elementary School

Hampton Elementary School.

Education after graduating from Mumford

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, a freshman year.
Pratt Institute, two years in Brooklyn NY.
Cranbrook Academy, Birmingham Michigan, one summer.
Academy Julienne, a year in Paris, France.
U of M again, BS degree.


Collecting the Icons, Art, and Imagery of the Golden Age of Comic Characters.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

The same thing that surprises me: The fact that I am still alive!

What did you do right after high school?

Attended U of M:

Spent a year and a half at Pratt:

Lived a year in Paris France:

Created a small business in NYC, called Boutique Fantastique:

Creative Director of Colorforms. Did your kids play with these?:

What do you do now? How did you get into that?

I sit in front of a computer, seeking happiness. At this late stage of life, I realize that I am far more likely to find it in the past than in the future. And so, I relive the days of my life, enjoying them more this time, reviving fading memories, counting my blessings.

High points of your life since high school.

The Mickey Mouse-eum at Bamberger's 1973:

Any vices?

Collecting the Icons, Art, and Imagery of the Golden Age of Comic Characters.

Where will you be in 10 years?

Here or Heaven, hopefully!

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Marlene Risin Levitt posted a message on Mel Birnkrant's Profile. New comment added.
Dec 24, 2015 at 12:48 PM

Posted on: Dec 24, 2015 at 11:07 AM

Hi Mel - did you receive my email with the pictures?

Marlene Risin Levitt posted a message on Mel Birnkrant's Profile. New comment added.
Dec 21, 2015 at 2:29 PM

Posted on: Dec 21, 2015 at 12:56 PM

Fun reading about Hampton!!

Mel Birnkrant posted a message.
Dec 19, 2015 at 3:26 PM

Can any of you find yourself here? This was a trip to the Ford Factory, conducted by my dear friend, art teacher, and mentor, James Siddall.