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Phillip Adamo
Paul Amici
Russell Arnott
John Barr
Nicole Belanger (Deyonker)
Louise/Lisa Bertanzi (Fanfalone)
Donna Bertolino (Wilson)
Robert Boehling
Katherine Bongiovanni
Thomas Bota
Julia Cadotte (Capps)
Patricia Cammarata
Joanne Carl (Gallinagh)
Dennis Caruso
Linda Caverly (Daris)
Patricia Cieslak (Whitt)
Joseph Cilluffo
Thomas Closurdo
Carol Cox
Mary Lou DeClercq (Adamcik)
Christopher Dembeck
Patricia Devine (Koch)
Janice Dick (Castiglione)
David Dine
Donald Dine
Michael Doench
Kathleen Dudek (Vigari)
Nancy Dzialowy (Zawacki)
Kenneth Ehart
John Esselink
Patricia Feger (Zebula)
Elaine Ferenc (Malloy)
Linda Francis (Hall)
Stephen Galgoul
Joseph Gawelek
Thomas Geisz
Sharon Gembarski (McGilvray)
Susan Gleason (Pino)
Melvin Golochowicz
Richard Handloser
Karol Hattey (Deming)
Barbara Hayes (Asher)
Dennis Hoffmann
Rita Hogan (Keuten)
Kay Hutchison (Merte)
Paul Jagenow
Linda Jasina (Piotrowski)
Thomas Jasionowski
Donna Joseph (Courie)
Dennis Koch
Janet Koch
Fred Koenigbauer
Gregory Kolch
Joann Lalicki (Zychowski)
Mary Lefevre
Ervin Lyczynski
John Mahfet
Lou Mansfield
Catherine Martillini (Andrade)
James McCarthy
Kathleen McGavin (Devine)
Dianne McInerney (Berry)
Sharon Michaels (Joseph)
Louis Milley
Kathleen Montagne (Czubik)
James Moore
John Morsello
Maureen Murphy (Semelsberger)
Andrew Nicosia
Randal/Brother Scott Obrecht
Christine Palombo (Smith)
Joann Palutis (Van Lacken)
David Paton
Michael Presti
Paulette Primo (Kasper)
Eileen Progaccini (Hall)
Wayne Quaglia
Mary Jane Radtke (Ciaravino)
Amy Rivard (Motyka)
Nicholas Rokich
Thomas Rosa
Lawrence Rybicki
Nancy Samson (Christians)
Thomas Schalk
Ronald Schebil
Nancy Schmidt (Koley)
Thomas Segan
David Semelsberger
Louisa Simonetta (Kurcheski)
Kenneth Speck
Doris Stabile (Devore)
Nancy Steinfeldt
Charles Stevenson
John Tant
Linda Taylor (Amato)
Harry Thompson
Rebecca Valade (Bazinski)
Catherine Vanden Boom
Denise VanMaele (Paton)
Mary Vitale (Vitale)
Marianne Vonck (Pelgus)
Linda Walter (Laframboise)
Gerald Warner
Brad Woelke
Thomas Yera
Rosemary Zainea (Toole)
Catherine Zielinski (Trombley)
Guest Members
Angie Asta (Tucci)
Jerry Koenigbauer
Frank Stone
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