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Nicole Belanger (Deyonker)
Louise/Lisa Bertanzi (Fanfalone)
Donna Bertolino (Wilson)
Katherine Bongiovanni
Thomas Bota
Mary Lou DeClercq (Adamcik)
Christopher Dembeck
Michael Doench
Kenneth Ehart
John Esselink
Patricia Feger (Zebula)
Stephen Galgoul
Sharon Gembarski (McGilvray)
Susan Gleason (Pino)
Karol Hattey (Deming)
Kay Hutchison (Merte)
Paul Jagenow
Donna Joseph (Courie)
Dennis Koch
Fred Koenigbauer
Joann Lalicki (Zychowski)
Dianne McInerney (Berry)
James Moore
John Morsello
Christine Palombo (Smith)
Paulette Primo (Kasper)
Eileen Progaccini (Hall)
Amy Rivard (Motyka)
Nancy Samson (Christians)
Doris Stabile (Devore)
Linda Taylor (Amato)
Rebecca Valade (Bazinski)
Marianne Vonck (Pelgus)
Rosemary Zainea (Toole)
Catherine Zielinski (Trombley)