Dormont High School

Who lives where - click links below to find out.
3 live in Arizona
7 live in California
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
5 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
3 live in Indiana
1 lives in Maine
6 live in Maryland
3 live in Michigan
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New York
5 live in North Carolina
5 live in Ohio
69 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
62 location unknown

• | Patrick Egan 2/12 |
• | Vivian Basim (Sims) 2/13 |
• | Raymond Moore 2/19 |
• | Paula Rankin (Thistle) 2/20 |
• | Edward Johnston 2/29 |
• | Peggy Deeds (Moss) 3/1 |
• | Patti Faso (Wilhelm) 3/5 |
![]() |

I just received the attached 10th Annual Gathering notice and was asked to distribute it to all our 1962 classmates. Our class usually has a table of 10 that attends, along with every class since DHS's inception! It is quite a site to see as you can imagine. Maybe we will have a bigger class turnout this year!
Friday October 04, 2013 BETHEL PARK CROWN PLAZA HOTEL Bethel Park, PA. Rte 19S one block on Fort Couch Rd. (across from South Hills Village)
Hotel Phone: 412 833 5300 5:30 to 10:30 pm Upgrade Buffet at 6:30 pm
Make Payable to: DORMONT HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI GATHERING Send Check, Registration Form & Self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Marjorie Black 906 Vista Glen Dr. Bethel Park, PA 15102
NAME ________________________________ CLASS OF 19_______
NAME ________________________________ CLASS OF 19______
Street Address___________________________________________________
City – State – Zip __________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ Number Attending _____ x $43.00
Total Check Amount $ __________ E-mail address ___________ Guest Names _______________________________________ __________________________________________________
For additional information contact:
Marge Black E-mail: klabk@verizon.net Phone 412-833-5967
Jack Reuschling E-mail: jdss777@aol.com Phone 412-833-3747
_____________________ THIS SPACE FOR ADMINITRATIVE USE ONLY ___________________
Check # ________ Recorded: _________ SASE __________
Received _____________ Deposited ____________ Ticket No.___________
For those of you who attended the reunion this past weekend, you know what a good time was had by all! For those who could not attend, we hope you will be able to make the next one:)
We will be keeping this website active, so please feel free to contact us at any time to let us know what is going on in your lives. Please continue to try and contact the "missing classmates" so our list of active names will continue to grow.
I will be posting pictures in the Photo Gallery as soon as I get them from everyone who took them and there were tons taken! We felt like movie stars with the papparazzi following us! Needless to say, we enjoyed every minute of it! This year, we took separate group pictures of classmates from Dormont, Castle Shannon and Green Tree, so I can't wait to see how they came out!
Thanks to all our classmates who made this Reunion a complete success! We danced the night away:) Stay tuned to the website for up coming announcements, photos and comments.
Your Reunion Committee
For those classmates staying at the DoubleTree Hotel for the reunion, I have listed a few activities for you do on Saturday morning/afternoon. The DoubleTree has several shuttles that will take you to these places for a small fee of $5.00 each way (the suttle to Rivers Casino and any place within a 2 mile radius is free).
Rivers Casino
Mt. washington Incline
Strip District
Consol Energy Center Tour
Dormont Historical Society
Subway to the North Shore
Subway to Market Square
January 18, 2012
Dear Classmates:
We hope everyone had a very Happy Holiday Season! Now that the holidays are over, we have finalized all of the details regarding our 50th Class Reunion. The Reunion will be held on Saturday, August 18, 2012, at 6:00 pm at the DoubleTree Hotel in Green Tree (Duquesne Room), 101 DoubleTree Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 – telephone: 412-922-8400. The ticket cost is $100.00 per person, which includes:
· “Nostalgia Nite” Friday, August 17, 2012, at the Dormont Recreation Hall from 7:00 to 11:00 pm
· Saturday, August 18, 2012 – open bar from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the DoubleTree in Green Tree
· Dinner will be served at 8:00 pm with your choice of either Parmesan Encrusted Stuffed Chicken Breast or Parmesan Crusted Tilapia
· For our entertainment, a D.J. will play all of our favorite tunes at our request, until 11:00 pm
· A “Class Picture” will be taken before dinner at 7:00 pm and delivered back to us later in the evening – one 8x10 photo is included in the ticket price – please be sure to be on time so you will not be left out of the photo
If you would prefer to attend only one or the other function, the costs are as follows:
· “Nostalgia Nite” – $20.00 per person which includes beer, wine, pop, pizza, chips and pretzels – if you prefer, you can also BYOB
· Saturday evening at the DoubleTree – $80.00 per person – please make dinner selection below
The DoubleTree Hotel has set aside a block of rooms for those of you needing overnight accommodations. Reservations must be made in a timely fashion in order to realize our special rate of $108.00 per room. In order to receive this special rate, you must call the hotel directly at 412-922-8400 and identify yourself as belonging to the Dormont High School Class of ‘62 Reunion. You may also fax them at 412-922-7854. Check-in time is 3:00 pm and check-out will be 12:00 noon - pets are allowed. The DoubleTree also offers complimentary airport shuttle service.
If you are planning to attend our Reunion, please send your check and reservation form to:
Terry Gruneberg
4009 Christie Lane
It is very important that we hear from you by June 1, 2012. We need to know the exact number attending the Reunion so firm reservations can be made. Please make all checks payable to “DHS Class of ‘62”. Also, if you have not already done so, please take a minute and go to our website and register at www.dormont62.com. This will help us keep in touch without the added expense of mailings. We are compiling a short bio for each of us to be published in the Reunion Booklet. If you do not have access to a computer, please write a short paragraph about your life since we saw you last and include it with your registration form, along with any pictures you would like to share.
For those of you with computer access, if you have any pictures of our days at DHS, please email them to Fred Crissman at fcrissman@comcast.net. Fred will be compiling a collage from these pictures for us to reminisce and enjoy at the Reunion.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and seeing you in August.
Ted Aiken Terry Gruneberg
Ed Bartlett Harry Jack
Ann Clerihue Kurlfink Arlene McLaughlin Heitmeier
Fred Crissman Barbara Narcolli Aiken
Patti Faso Wilhelm
Spouse’s Name: _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________ Telephone: _____________________
Dinner Choice: Chicken _____________________
Tilapia _____________________
Number Attending Reunion: _________________
Amount Enclosed: $20.00 per person for “Nostalgia Nite” _____________________
$80.00 per person for Saturday Night _____________________
Total Enclosed: ______ _____________
If you have any pictures of our days at DHS, please email them to Fred Crissman at fcrissman@comcast.net. Fred will be compiling a collage from these pictures for us to reminisce and enjoy at the Reunion. We can't wait to see all the different photos from "back in the day".
Welcome to the Dormont High School Class Of 1962 website. We are planning our 50th Class Reunion, so stay tuned to this site for updated information as it happens. Please advise any classmates that you are in contact with to post their information here, including email addresses. This will enable us to send mass emails out to all and keep everyone well informed as the Committee's plans develop.
If you do not see your name at the "Sign In" site, please email your information to me and I will add it to the list of classmates. My email is pwilhelm@cyberjaz.net or you can use the "Contact Us" site at the top of the page.
We hope to see everyone at our Class Reunion, so please keep us in your future plans. Be sure to check back often for updates.
The Reunion Committee / Patti Faso Wilhelm
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