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In Memory

Grahame Bydawell

A short note to advise that my brother Grahame (one of your cohort) passed away yesterday in Whitstable UK after an 8 month battle with pancreatic cancer. I will follow up with a more comprehensive in memoriam post in due course. Regards Peter Bydawell


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17/10/17 08:27 AM #1    

Geoff Caruth

Hi Peter


So sorry to hear about Grahame passing. He was a really good friend and business colleague. My condolences to you and the family. Could I have his wife's contact details-also knew her well from Canoeing. It would be nice to get together  and rememebr him


look forward to hearing from you


kind Regards

Geoff Caruth

17/10/17 09:40 AM #2    

Larry Butchins

Very sorry to hear about Grahame's passing. Although I hadn't seen him for more than 50 years,I recall him as being a "sunny" sort of guy, always smiling and eager to please. Condolences to his family.


Larry Butchins

Class of '66

17/10/17 04:45 PM #3    

Des De Swardt

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Grahame. Codolences to his family and Peter. Des de Swardt



17/10/17 04:53 PM #4    

George Wheatley

Dear Peter,

I am so sorry about Grahame's passing away, yesterday.

He was, indeed, a most gentle and pleasant fellow boarder.

It seems like not long ago that we stood next to each other at our first roll-call at Blackmores

at the start of our four years at School.

My condolences to you and the family.



17/10/17 05:52 PM #5    

Graham Morrison



My condolences on Grahame's death to you and Angela. I do recall that Grahame - whom I knew as Gus - and I were in one or more classes together (4 and 5th Form?) I really enjoyed Gus' company - he was a splendid fellow - pity we did not have much contact after DHS.



Graham Morrison.

17/10/17 07:31 PM #6    

Rob Wilson (Class Of 1967)

Firstly, my sincere condolences to Peter, Angela and the rest of Graham's family on the passing of a life long aquantance and school friend of mine. A sad day indeed. And secondly, a few memories of him as a school friend and aquantance. I first met Graham when i was about 7 years old. His parents owned a farm a few miles (not kilometers in those days) from the farm on which I grew up. We both ended up at DHS in the early 60's. He was a gentle sort of fellow and as a slight senior to me in Blackmores, was very kind to me as a third former in the establishment. He used to pass on valuable tips as  how best to survive the third form journey, and the first thing he said was NEVER answer back and if need be, pretend you stutter !!!  He cautioned me about characters to avoid and who to ignore.  He had views on Dog Perkins and Charlie Crew, and tho respectful towards them, said when Dog was around, run as tho you're being chased by the devil himself, orelse you may end up getting a thrashing for something or other.There was no "statute of limitations" in Dog's book !!! Graham's Dad was also a DHS old boy, and if my memory serves me right was under Mr Black the headmaster, and was in Mr Theobald"s class in 6A. After our post matric studies I saw very little of Graham, as he went into the construction industry and believe he spent a deal of time in Swaziland, and the last time I saw him was at the Donnybrook primary school reunion about a year ago. He was his usual self, and showed no sign of the debilitating condition which eventually brought the curtin down on his life. He will be remembered for all the right reasons.Rest in peace my friend, remembered by Rob Wilson.

18/10/17 10:19 AM #7    

Francois Everson

I have many memories of my fellow boarders during four years at Blackmore's - some good and some less so. Those that I have of Grahame though are all good. One of the nicest people one could hope to meet. Am saddened by the news of his passing and pass on condolences to his family and friends. RIP.

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