Patrick Gallagher

Profile Updated: June 17, 2014
Patrick Gallagher
Class Year: 1979
Residing In inverness, FL USA
Spouse/Partner Laurie
Children 0
Occupation ass't instructor
Your Web Site(s) facebook
Yes! Attending Reunion



Chopper (jack russell terrorist)
Charley aka Kat (R.I.P)


I really enjoy meeting up with old friends through Facebook. What's amazing also is making many new friends with people with whom I barely knew or only passed in the hallway. Its a shame that we don't slow down enough to get to know one another back then. We all have done amazing things on our separate treks through life.

School Story

I didn't do a whole lot, except for playing chess, working on the yearbook, and doing stuff with the Key club. I did get on TV on the acedemic Challenge team.

best memories :French class, the trip to Quebec, and Hanging out with John Mramor, Don Sandison, Tom Pierce, Chuck Fuizotti, John Simon, Larry Schnieder Yelling SREGNAR and SUNDAY with those guys

Words of Wisdom

While I was seaching for God's truth I was attending JCU learning a bunch of high minded intellectual garbage. I found it while reading a COMIC BOOK !! I opened it up and saw a picture of what Jesus' crucifixion was really like. He was scourged and butchered from head to toe by a whip that had sharp pieces of metal that litterally filets it's victims (the Passion of the Christ is an accurate depiction) The comic book went on to say "MOST VICTIMS DIED DURING THIS BEATING ALONE" I went on to read amedical decription of the horrible six hours he spent on the cross. It also quoted a passage from the Bible "WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD THERE IS NO REMISSION OF SIN"
I said out loud, "wait a second He could have died during the scourging. That would have covered everyone's sin he didn't have to go to the cross."
Then again out loud I asked "Why did you do it?"
A voice answered, " Do you remember Jesus saying If some asks you to go one mile go wth him two?" and Do you rember the story of the man who left ninty nine sheep who were safe to go and find a lost one?"
I stood there a moment and realized that there were two men being crucified on either side of Jesus that day. One of them came to his senses and asked Jesus to remember him. Jesus said to him, "Today you will be with me in Paradise."
Had Jesus not gone to the cross that man would have died in his sins and be spending eternity in hell. He went the extra mile for that one man to die!! Then the voice said to me "What can I do for you now that I am alive and ressurrected!" Up until that time God was up there and I was down here and hopefully my good works will get me there, but for the first time the LOVE OF GOD WAS IN MY FACE. I cried out to God the next morning Dec 9 1980

Favorite Hobbies

astronomy, gardening(somewhat) Building my own sailboat

Favorite Music

all kinds of music epecially Christian (except for that oldtime and southern gospel bluegrass crap)

Favorite Movies

Drumline, My Dog Skip, Casablanca, Apollo 13, Major League

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