Michael Morris

Profile Updated: March 15, 2014
Class Year: 1984
Residing In Freeport, TX USA
Spouse/Partner Married for the second time
Children Dan, born Thanksgiving Day, 1987; Katie, born in July 1993, is a junior at Mentor
Occupation Newspaper editor

God I don't even want to think about that yet


Chance, a Jack Russell terrier mix, who we rescued from the local shelter after he had been there for several months. A fund but somewhat destructive pup!


I've moved around a lot since graduation as I've built my newspaper career. Left the News-Herald the first time in December 1987 to work at a paper in West Va., then went back to the N-H in June 1990 for four years. After that it was four years in South Carolina, two years in Sandusky (98-00), a little more than a year in Indiana and now the last seven in Texas, south of Houston. If I've learned nothing else in my travels, it is that snow and cold suck...

My kids both still live up in Lake County, my son a 2006 Mentor grad and my daughter graduated from Mentor in 2011. I treasure them both ... they are really cool people who, for better or worse, take after me in many ways.

Had a big shock in July 2008 when I suffered a mild heart attack a month shy of my 42nd birthday. Prompted me to clean up my act though -- I eat healthy and exercise five or six days a week. I now look and feel better than I probably have since high school, not that I looked all that great back than (and I have visual evidence to back that up)

Had an even bigger shock when I met Deborah and went on to marry her on New Year's Eve 2011! She has renewed my spirit and is a great friend and partner.

School Story

As I look back on my high school years, and many years afterward, I think to myself, "I sure was a cocky s.o.b., wasn't I?" :)

My favorite memory probably is the day we hung a Smurf in the doorway of the Searchlight office when my column calling for their demise came out. My sister still hasn't forgiven me for that...

Favorite Hobbies

Golf, reading, puzzles, racquetball, running

Favorite Music

Modern rock mostly with some mainstream mixed. I continue to be in violation of Texas state law by refusing to like Brad Paisley.

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Michael Morris has a birthday today.
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Michael Morris has a birthday today.
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Posted: Mar 15, 2014 at 3:26 AM