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02/07/09 12:37 AM #1    

Vicki Reese (Ellsworth, Class President)

Welcome to the Eaton Rapids High School Class Of 1969 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

03/22/09 07:40 PM #2    

Catherine Cleeves (Cook)

Hey Vicki, I'd like to thank you and Penny for all the hard work you have put into this website and all the past reunions you have put together for us all. I am not sure if I will make it again this year, my mom is sick, but I know it will be another wonderful success!
Your friend and chum,
Catherine Cleeves Cook

03/27/09 06:13 PM #3    

Vicki Reese (Ellsworth, Class President)

Thank you Cathy---we do it all for you and the class of 1969! Our thoughts are with you and your mom..Love, Vicki

03/30/09 09:46 AM #4    

Debbie Norton (Haman)

Hi Vicki. Do you have the DVD that was shown at the reunion that I believe was 10 years ago and if so can it be copied?


04/09/09 10:09 AM #5    

Jackie Xanders (McMurphy)

I would like a copy if there is a dvd available,since I didn't get to come. jackie mcmurphy

04/16/09 02:37 PM #6    

Vicki Reese (Ellsworth, Class President)

I have a vcr tape from Michael Hornung that was of our high school days. I am trying to get it converted to a DVD and will let you know if I am successful and will share it with you......Vicki

08/09/09 12:12 PM #7    

Delores Klink (Wernette)

Many thanks to our Reunion Committee (and their families) for all of your planning and hard work on our 40th Class Reunion. You did a GREAT job! It was a wonderful, must enjoyable event, and St. Peters proved to be a perfect venue, too. THANK YOU!!!!

Thanks also to our many classmates as well as friends of our class who made the effort to be there . . . some even travelling great distances. It was great to see and visit with each and every one of you!

I now look forward to our 45th Reunion and to seeing EVERYONE there in 2014!

Best wishes to all!

Dee (Klink) Wernette

08/13/09 07:44 AM #8    

Jenette LaMacchia (Mercer)

40th Reunion Committee:


Just looked at the pictures (and thanks for including my message regarding Peanut). Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves. However, I could only recognize a few. Funny how time changes us so much!!! So bummed I wasn't able to make it, maybe our 45th I won't have so much going on.

Tomorrow's the BIG DAY!! Can you tell I'm excited just a little??!!!!!

Again, Committee this would not have happened without your determination, pride and consideration of all of "THE CLASS OF 1969"


08/14/09 11:19 AM #9    

Shari Hammond (Snider)

Our class is so lucky to have hard workers and people who care. The reunion appeared to be a highly organized endeavor. I am so sorry I wasn't able to make it. Came down with the 'flu'....looking forward to the 45th.
Shari Hammond Snider

08/17/09 06:59 PM #10    

Jenette LaMacchia (Mercer)


Where did those pictures go that were in the 40 year Reunion folder? I've looked all over and can't seem to find them. I was going to look at them again and see if I could recognize more that 6. Talked with Deb Norton and she said that Marvin Moore took a lot of pictures also, as did she. Deb said she was going to try and figure out how to load hers and was wondering if Marv said he would send his.

Really sorry I had to miss it. Although, the last one I went to absolutly no one recognized me!! I thought that was hilarious!!



08/20/09 07:27 AM #11    

Sharon Skinner (Bigelow)

Hey, Vicki...look at me...finally figured out how to do this.
From what I keep hearing the 4oth class reunion was a great success...I'm so glad....Vicki and I are happy when we can make it a good get-together for everyone. Whew...what a relief. Hope to see even more classmates at the 45th.

09/14/18 05:09 PM #12    

John Colestock

As individuals we are often left weak in spirit and in health. Our friend and classmate Ron Clone has the spirit but needs us to rally to him for strength in health. We are all in need of support from friends and family from time to time and this time Ron needs it. We are the class of "love", with that and prayer anything is possible!! Send out a prayer for strength to him and to anyone else that's in need...

09/15/18 01:43 PM #13    

Laura Bush (Andrews)

Ron, Hope you're doing better and are able to attend our 50th reunion next year.  Looking forward to see you and the rest of our classmates!  Laura (Bush) Andrews

09/17/18 02:30 AM #14    

Steve Miller

Ron, Thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you at our 50th class reunion. Just a note of encouragement for you to fight back and regain your health. Steve Miller

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