Most Likely To ...

In 1980, we thought ...

Pat Olson and Todd Peterson would be Most Likely to Succeed

Nancy Pellowe and Mike Nilles were Most Respected

Betsy Sweder, Eric Slosser, and Charles McCollister were Most Intellectual

Tia Moyer and Roy Backus were Most Sincere

Mary Williams and Doug Meeker were Nicest

Jill Widell and Chuck Elledge were Most Talented

Ann Hendricks and Brad Benson were Best Athlete

Sarah Willson and Bob Lamse were Cutest

Ann McBurney and Mike Scholz were Class Clowns

Lisa Robertson and Peter Dahlberg had the Cutest Smile

Biddy McCambridge and Pat Wise were the Rowdiest

Helen Knaack and Tom Hammersten were Most Artistic

Patty Callan was the Girl that Most Guys Would Want to be Stranded on a Desert Island With

Tom Tichawa was the Guy that Most Girls Would Want to be Stranded on a Desert Island With

Rob Zieper had the Best Beard

Juli Wunder was the Biggest Flirt

Chuck Smith was the Biggest Girl Watcher

Kathy Kane was the Biggest Skipper

Paul Allbright was the Best Leader

Kipp Manske was the Most Bizarre

Mike Sheady was the Most Likely to End Up in Jail


How'd we do?
