In Memory

Donna Peddie (Van Wie)

Donna Peddie (Van Wie)

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11/17/15 02:34 PM #1    

Sue Eichhorn (Mearkle)

I fondly remember Donna Peddie.  She and I became friends in 10th grade PE.  Donna had a very dry sense of humor and had a lot of great one liners.  She cracked me up.  I always gave Donna a hard time about her posture and not smiling.  When I would pass her in the hall I would say, "Donna, stand up straight."  and she would reply, "ya I know and smile too."  We passed notes in the hallway and we learned a lot about each others lives, joys, sorrows and families.  Donna was a Bridesmaid in my wedding in 1970.  We remained good friends until her untimely death in 1982.  I still miss her and think of her often.

03/06/16 04:21 PM #2    

Mary (Maria) Hennessy

Donna was a friend of mine from kindergarten at Concord. She went  to OLG for a while and told me horror stories. My family moved from Brookview Ave. in 1956 to the house across the street from hers.  We were together daily, climbing her big maple tree, where we could lie down on the crossed branches and read, putting on her putting green, and best of all, roaming the woods down to the creek. My mom kept me at home a lot, but she let me out with Donna because of Duke, her big grey German shepherd dog.  He was so protective that Mom knew no one would come near us. So, we played in the creek, wandered the woods, ditched my brothers, and were free.  We were camp cabin mates twice,  at Cassaway and then at Ruby Lake.

Her mother, Betty, and my mom became great friends, so much so that her sister, Monica, was named for my mom and is her god daughter.  After my dad died, 3 weeks before I started 8th grade, Her family was there for us all.  Shortly after, they moved over by Lake Harvey and we still saw each other, but not as often.  She went to St. Cloud State and I was at the U of M, so we never saw each other after graduation, although our moms stayed friends.  I regret that I never saw her again.  She was an important part of my childhood and a loyal friend. 


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