In Memory

Michael Laub

Michael Laub

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11/23/16 09:46 AM #1    

Jeff Thomas

I didn't know Mike in High School.  He called me a few years ago and asked to get together with me.  We met for lunch and have been good friends ever since.  Mike had been ill for some time, but still wanted to help with the reunion in any way that he could.  He was one of the nicest people that I have ever met.  He was always optimistic, and was a joy to be around.  I am so thankful that I got to know him.  I will miss you my friend..

11/23/16 10:41 AM #2    

Mark Slettehaugh

Mike was a dear friend in my Junior and Senior years.  During the summer of 1966 he secured for me a night job at his dad's plastics factory where I made millions (seemed like millions anyway!) gumbies and pokeys. We talked and laughed a lot that summer before we both took off for college. Although this year we exchanged a couple of Emails, we never met again after the summer of '66. Mike was always total kindness and friendliness. Ironically, this past Monday (November 21) when he passed, I thought of him several times during the day.

11/26/16 04:11 PM #3    

Jeanne Cook (Klainer)

Mike has been my friend since 6th grade, when he was one of a handful of kids who were bussed from Edina to Morningside School. We shared band experiences and Latin Club, but most important, we shared our friends and lives, remaining in touch all these years, with visits between Minnesota and Maine.  Many of his high school friends were my friends as well, and through Mike, I kept abreast of them as well, and I know that no one could have a truer friend with more to give than Mike.  He had a tough fight over the last few years, but always kept his wonderful sense of humor, his compassion for other people, his quick mind, and his willingness to give of himself, caring for others, saying 'yes' whenever he was needed, and stepping forward when he knew he could make a difference.  Since I learned of his death, I've been humming a song that is a Swahili folksong -- Si Ya Hamba.  The verses are in Swahili, English, and Hebrew and translate as "We are walking in the light of God".  The song in my head alters the 'we' to 'he' -- Mike walked in light his whole life, and I will always hold him in my heart.

11/28/16 11:08 AM #4    

Fred Shepherd

In Memory of a Really Wonderful Man - Mike Laub

I briefly knew Mike in high school. When we began working on the Reunion, Jeff Thomas asked if I would attend lunch with him and Mike at the Nicollet Island Inn. A favorite of Mike's . . .

We had a marvelous time and it seemed like 3 friends who had known each other continuously for many years. 

The Renion has meant a great deal to me, to us in reaquainting. It affected us all in unexpected ways.  Mike Laub was one of the best reaquaintances I will cherish.

A wonderful, sage and brilliant man, never afraid to give counsel when asked. Thoughtful man . . . I will miss you.

11/28/16 03:03 PM #5    

Barb Firth (Arnold)

I have known Mike since junior high school.  We were in the same confirmation classes at Lake Harriet Methodist Church.  I remember being at his home and there being the first color tv I had seen...  I was in awe.  I have always had a fondness for him...  such a good and genuine man.  Recently, he and I had a huge realization about our pasts.  We both moved here from Bay Shore, NY and moved here during the same year.  We went to grade school together there!  That was so amazing, and funny.  It only took 53 years to put those pieces together.  He will be missed by so very many.   God bless Mike and his loving family.

11/28/16 10:00 PM #6    

John Pain

Mike was among my best friends from 6th grade until just before our senior year when my family moved.  We lived a few blocks apart, spent a lot of time at each others houses and got to know each others families. We took classes together, were in Junior Achievement together and did so many other things together. Some of those things, in retrospect, did not reflect our best judgment. We both played the clarinet in band, and I have fond memories of Mike at band camp.  We reconnected at St. Olaf for our freshman and sophomore years and had many of the same friends. When Mike left St. Olaf before his junior year we lost touch. Our lives took very different paths for most of the past 50 years. I am very grateful that we reconnected a year ago. Since then, we have had several opportunties, including just six weeks ago, to spend hours sharing our experiences, what those experiences meant to us and what we have learned about life. I feel richer for that time together and I will miss Mike.

11/29/16 12:00 PM #7    

Cindy Schaub (Guest)

I had just gotten use to hearing from Mike from time to time and his messages would always make me smile. I knew Mike through church as well as junior and high school.  Thanks to him we had some crazy adventures which will forever be among my fondest memories of those years.  He was one of the finest, most delightful people I have known. I had not been in touch with him since a few years out of high school, but we re-connected largely as a result of class reunion communications.  I am so thankful that I had an opportunity to hear from him about his life and wonderful family. Clearly he had good and loving life.  And in spite of struggling with health, once again he brought me great joy and made me smile - as I’m sure he did countless people.  I am so sorry to hear of his passing.  I will miss him.

11/30/16 08:26 AM #8    

Karen Willes (Callan)

I knew who Mike was in HS, but I never knew him personally. From every entry on his memorial site, he must have been a quality guy. I am sorry I missed such an opportunity!

Sincere condolences to his family.



12/01/16 11:03 AM #9    

Kay Johnson (Parrish)

Gentle.  Bright.  Ever cheerful.  Poised --- even when we were young teenagers, Mike seemed above and beyond our years!  I think we will always remember the happiness in his countenance and his voice.  A guy who unknowingly had the gift of befriending and encouraging people.  His life touched all our lives, even from a distance.  I remember seeing him on St. Olaf campus, always kind and confident --- a rare combination! To have met and married Debbie Nelson tells us even more about Mike.  I knew Debbie from college and travels, and I was amazed years later to learn that Mike and Debbie had found each other --- what a beautiful, blessed couple. Their lives and home must have been shining warmly with kindness and grace.  Mike has left a legacy of love for Debbie and their two daughters --- and for all who know him.     

08/12/19 07:45 PM #10    

Jeff P. Anderson

I knew Mike a bit in high school and then in college.  I remember Mike carrying his brown briefcase and his big smile.  I didn’t see Mike after college and that’s been nearly 50 years ago.  However, I haven’t forgot that he was a kind and decent man.

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