Wonderful update on this 70th birthday milestone. The years, and God of course, have been so good to me. I now have a college graduate grandson, and a freshman at ORU. My grandkids are almost all adult grandchildren.
I love them so much. I will be updating pictures as soon as I can figure out
how again. 1/23/2022
Well Amigos, here we are in 2018...Eric is still doing General Contracting
with Seymore's General Contracting...while still being licensed in Real Estate
with me at Waterstone Realty, LLC..a flat fee company, which is where all
real estate is going in the future, I second mama in Ruidoso
passed away, and blessed us with their we are moving into
their home, and selling our little one, which we have enjoyed for 27 years....
We are so blessed with six grandchildren, and 3 of them are teenagers...
Eventhough I retired last year, I continue to sell real estate, interpret for injured workers, and take care of granchildren...My daughter sells Arbonne,
and this year Eric has lost 58 pounds, while I only lost 10, I am down two sizes...Getting old and healthy has been our motto...Looking forward to really seeling everyone. This is it in a nutshell...blessings to all.
So much has happened in 40 years-where do I begin? I have put off my history because I felt it was too long, and would be too boring to anyone but me. But here goes: After Graduation in May of 1970, I started UTEP that very month, was I crazy? Cherese and I just decided to get college over with, well history has it, she finished and I didn't because I got married to my High School Sweetheart, Pete Muniz, during my 2nd year of college. The wonderful life that came from this marriage was my daughter, Missy, born in July of 1972. We struggled to make our marriage work but we divorced in October of 1976. While we were still married, I worked for a doctor and became his medical assistant, I worked for an Insurance company as a secretary, and when I filed for my Divorce in 1976, my attorney hired me and I became his Legal Assistant with the State Bar of Texas for 8 years. During this time, I experienced what I like to call, my wild year=Disco Mania. I never partied so hard, I never drank so much, and I never, never again experienced a time as this. I was single, I was skinny, I was crazy along with Lolly Spite, who started working in the Law Office that I was at, and I am sure she would agree that we were funny and wild that one year. I think it would be hillarious to do a video for Utube, with a bunch of oldies like us, dancing to the disco tunes, as though we still looked the same....ha, ha. I am so glad that God got a hold of my life, and I let him in, cuz every bit of my being was needing him......anyway, My exhusband remained on the Police Department until 1984, the same year that I left the attorney and I began to work with my father and mother at The Best Floor Covering Company. I fell in love with this business that had been under my nose for years...I fell in love with floor covering, with measuring jobs, with helping my Mom and Dad, and the hard work and the satsifaction at the end of the day that I had done a good thing for my parents. My daughter continued to grow up into a beautiful and smart young lady, a straight A student at Jesus Chapel School. Left Cheerleading to be in full time sports, captain of her Basketball team and all city volleyball, she found her plug in sports.
She was afraid that a Christian School had not prepared her for college, but she made straight A's at UTEP, where she graduated with her Early Childhood degree in 1995..and she received the
Golden Key National Honor Society...I will come back to this story.
I learned my Dad's business so well, that he retired and made me owner in 1991. 1991 was a good year of change for me. After being a single parent for 16 years, my daughter, helped to set me up with the Love of my Life, my Choir director's son, and my partner in life for 19 wonderful years of marriage, Eric Seymore. We were married on March 1, 1991. Eric had his own
Landscaping Company, Eric's Landscaping, and did very well at his business, until his back injury. Eventhough he did not need surgery because God healed him, that put an end to Eric's Landscaping,
and started his business with me, which I needed desperately. My Mom and Dad had so much confidence in me that they would go home and leave to run the business by myself. Eric began to work with me and this started a history of our love to work together. Not all spouses can say that they accomplish this successfully, but we did.
Eric took a small Mom and Pop carpet and vinyl store to, Wood, Ceramic and remodeling. In 1995 we became The Best Floor Covering Company and Remodeling, Inc. We were active with the Builders Association in preparing Home Shows. Active in the Chamber of Commerce and loved every bit of it.
Back to my daughter: she married James Ross, after he graduated from St. Marys. They both graduated in May of 1995, one week apart, and married the same month May 27th. Eric and I moved our kids to Lubbock, where James attended medical school at Texas Tech.
After 2 years in Lubbock, they moved back to El Paso, where he completed his last two years at Texas Tech branch in El Paso. And to our joy our first grandson, Noah James Ross was born November 22, 1998. My daughter left the hospital after giving birth, and made to another hospital, where her dad, Pete, died. He got to see Noah for a second at least. (Eric is the only Grand Daddy that our grandkids have known) James graduated that year in Lubbock, and received the Gold Headed Cain award, which is given to the medical student that has shown the most patient care. We were and have continued to be so proud of him. Soon after graduation, we find out that James has been accepted to In His Image Family Medical Practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma to do his residency. It is a wonderful medical profession that sends doctors out to other countries. James has been to Africa and to the Tsunami, and almost went to Haiti but his practice is so big now, that he did have the time. He is in charge of Sojourn, a Hospice organization, on top of his busy practice. Wrote a book and is finishing a music CD, on top of coaching a basketball team....
How did we get to Tulsa, Oklahoma? The year that we moved our kids here, I was fussing and talking to God in a complaining sort of way, because I had one daughter and one grandchild, and I did not think it was fair that I would only see them once or twice a week. My daughter told me a couple of months before it all happened that she felt that God was going to move us soon.
Hmmm, I could not see how. After we attended market that year, my father wanted me to sell the business, sell everything, as his health was quickly declining. At market that year, Eric had turned down a job offered to him by Mohawk Industries to be the hard surface rep in either Oklahoma City or Tulsa, which would you take?
I said okay to my Dad, and Eric said okay to this job and in one month 5 properties were sold, and we were moved. Family business for 37 years was closed and Dad passed away in 2002.
I moved my mother to Tulsa shortly after my Dad passed away, and Mama loved Oklahoma. Said she would never go back to El Paso, and she didn't. She passed away in October of 2007.
Left a huge hole in my heart, but God and time heals all, although, you never really get used to them being gone, do you?
Well, Eric enjoyed working for Mohawk, and I kinda found my nitch in Real Estate. I found the Spanish people, and find that speaking spanish in Oklahoma is a real plus....Worked hard at building a good reputation. I joined the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and was appointed to the County Hispanic Commissioner's Court. Four years into real estate, Eric left Mohawk and joined me, and we formed The Seymore Home Team with Keller Williams Realty. Once again working together and loving it. Eric had some more success in Oil Investments and We had quite a few successful years, until the banks crashed, and real estate went upside down. Eventhough Tulsa was and is a good market, we have felt the pinch here. This year we thought we might sell our home and move to New Mexico where we still own a little home in Ruidoso. But God and his goodness gave Eric a new carrier with Dunamis Engineering doing the physical work he loves, welding etc. I am doing side jobs in addition to Real Estate. I am also a translator for a company out of Florida that works with Insurance companies and provides a service to injured workers. Translations. I also substitute teach for Jenks Schools. In additions to helping out my daughter when I can, as she home schools all of my Grand children. All in all, I feel very blessed to have lived the life I have, and still feel that I have time to complete other tasks and assignments.
That is what I have done since 1970.
And our story goes on, Three years ago 2008-2009, when Real Estate took a downturn, so did our business...we have had two years of paying off debt....which took us to the sale of our home...sold without it being listed, buyers saw it on a Saturday and gave a full price offer on Sunday....we are happy, homeless and debt free today..Eric has been doing some contracting with his own business, SEYMORE'S GENERAL CONTRACTING, AND I AM STILL WORKING REAL ESTATE AS IT COMES MY WAY...Our kids have blessed us with another grandchild, making it six total, and we are moving them to a huge 6300 sq foot home, and no we are not moving with them....hope to finish downsizing to a little home, with a huge backyard shop for Eric and our home in Ruidoso and where ever else we end thing we did not want to do, is wait to do this when we are 70 and 80 and can' our journey goes on....hope to make it to at least one Fred's Night Out!!
April 23, 2014, we left a 14 year work commitment with Keller Williams Realty, and joined a small company HENRY HINDS REALTY, LLC., which has helped me to work less, and make more money, and spend more time with my family, which is the ONE thing that I have wanted to do...It affords me to list homes at a great discount and still make money...I wish I had switched 3 years ago,when the opportunity first came my way..