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Dann Hone

Profile Updated: June 15, 2022
Residing In
Orem, UT USA
Shirley Rae Stokes
University Faculty/Managing Director School of International Studies, Tour Director and author.
Jason, born 1975; David, born 1976; Joseph, born 1978 ( deceased 2003); John, born 1980; Kathleen, born More…1990; Kristeena, born 1993.
As of June 2023 has 22 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren..

LDS Church Mission to South Korea (1968-1971)
Attended Brigham Young University 1971-1980- received BS in Political Science/International Relations)
Study Abroad to the Middle East and Europe (6 months, 1973)
Married Shirley Rae Stokes (Nov 1973)
Brigham Young University Administrator and Faculty (1974-2005) Taught Ancient Scripture and Near Eastern Studies (contemporary and ancient; co-founder of The BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies) Currently Emeritus Administrator/Faculty (largest private university in the USA)
Academic Coordinator, The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies (1985-1992)
International Boy Scout Coordinator in Jerusalem (1984-1990)
International Rotarian for Jerusalem (weekly bulletin editor, 1988-1992)
MA, Bible History, Historical Geography, Jerusalem University College (four disciplines, 1983-1990)
BYU Independent Study instructor (1996-2008; authored two 360-page textbooks and taught over 1800 students per year in courses)
LDS Bishop (1994-1999; conducted 17 funerals and 17 weddings during this time) and assisted in the creation of the1999 & 2013 editions of LDS Bible Maps in LDS King James Version of Bible
LDS Mission To General world-wide Curriculum Committee in Salt Lake City for creating Old Testament LDS Translators edition for 146 languages, DVD Migration and other as chairman of committees (2003-2010)
Third son Joseph murdered (April 2003) Married 13 months, wife widowed.
Chairman of Board, Crandall Historical Printing Museum (world's most advanced printing museum, 2005-2014)
Founder of America's Freedom Festival Colonial Village in Provo, Utah (2006-2012), Utah Golf Marathon founder (2007-2012),
Numerous positions on local, county, and state political party, including precinct chair and vice-chair, delegate (State and County), County audit committee chair, county and state executive committees, county steering committee (1998-2015)
Member presenter to numerous international conferences on ancient languages, histories, etc.
Founding member and managing director or president of, Arkios International, Parenta LLC, Arkios International Media Corporation, Harvest Quest International, Equity Life Institute in Galilee, International Travel Studies Institute, The School of International Travel Studies (Elements of Life Foundation); President of Elements of Life Institute, LLC. (2005-2020)
Columbus Travel Agency Holy Land guide (Israel, Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan)and expert with Larry Gelwix ("Forever Strong" movie based on his rugby coaching career) 2015-present
Invited to visit Syria by Syrian President Bashar Assad as a member of the International Conciliation Council (November 2017) As peace comes, I was asked to develop exchange programs for them as I have for Jerusalem.
Adjunct Faculty, Department of History and Political Science, Utah Valley University (2015-2018; largest state university in Utah)
LDS Provo Utah Temple officiator (2015-2017)
Writing 8 volume set, "Scriptural Reference and Exploration Series" plus 6 supplements. Each volume is 300+ pages.
Also have authored numerous newspaper, professional paper, conference presentations, etc over the years and have aided or instructed or accompanied over 50,000 people to visit or study in the Holy Land and Eastern Mediterranean Countries (ten eastern Mediterranean cruises, 100s of tours(Near East and European countries), study abroad programs, humanitarian and nursing programs, professional development, and university graduate programs most of which I served as the director or program developer, and faculty with.
It has been a busy and wonderful life!

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Dann Hone added a comment on his Profile.
Aug 19, 2024 at 9:52 PM
Dann Hone has a birthday today.
Oct 21, 2023 at 3:33 AM
Dann Hone posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 19, 2023 at 11:33 PM

Posted on: Aug 19, 2023 at 6:55 PM

I wish you the very best of birthdays! I have the fondest memories of your many kindnesses when we were students at Irvin High. I wished I could come to the reunions, but is the same time I lead groups to the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East!
May your days be peaceful and your memories always a joy.

Dann Hone updated his profile. View.
Dec 12, 2022 at 11:30 PM
Dann Hone has a birthday today.
Oct 21, 2022 at 3:33 AM
Dann Hone posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 19, 2022 at 8:34 PM

Posted on: Aug 19, 2022 at 6:26 PM

I hope you have a wonderful day! I hope to be home long enough to make the reunions one day. It would be great to see you and all the others after more than fifty years since graduation.

Best wishes,

Dann Hone changed his "Now" picture.
Dec 08, 2021 at 8:49 PM
Dann Hone has a birthday today.
Oct 21, 2021 at 3:33 AM
Dann Hone posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 20, 2021 at 5:54 PM

Posted on: Aug 19, 2021 at 6:34 PM

Happy Birthday! It has been many years since I knew you in highschool and do not know if you remember me, but I had a great respect for you. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Dann Hone has a birthday today.
Oct 21, 2020 at 3:33 AM
Dann Hone has a birthday today.
Oct 21, 2019 at 3:34 AM
Dann Hone has a birthday today.
Oct 21, 2018 at 3:33 AM
Dann Hone added a photo to his profile gallery.
Aug 22, 2018 at 4:23 PM
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Posted: Aug 22, 2018 at 4:23 PM