Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Shane Allen
LaDeena Anderson
Frank Apeceche
Alfred Barnson
Sherrie Barnson
Abbie Beckwith
Cindy Braithwate
Joshua Brewer
Wendy Britton
Jason Brown
Lapreal Brown
Brandi Buckner
Catherine Bullock
Jim Chester
Travis Childers
Dawn Cole
Jenna Darnton
Elisha Drake
Jason Egbert
Joe Ferrari
Amy Garcia
Amy Garcia
Derek Gorecki
Shawn Gurr
Trinity Hale
Brian Harwood
Ken Heinen
Patrick Heinen
Chad Henriod
Karl Hexem
Pat Houser
Lisa Howes
Christan Hunt
Judy Imgard
Tawnya Jackson
Mark Jenkins
Aaron Johnson
Tina Johnson
Randy Kelly
Tina Kimpton
Travis Lee
Vince Levera
Danny Loshbaugh
Tiffany Mafi
Jamie Martin
Monica Martinez
Chris Marzuola
Sean McGinley
Matthew McLaren
Scott McQueen
Ian Murphy
Rebekah Olsen
Marci Olson
Justin Ortiz
Lidia Estela Pankey
Jessica Pearce
KayLynn Roberts
Lori Ann Robison
Kami Rollins
Tori Rose
Marian Ruth
Tara Sage
Steven Salzar
Tia Smart
Jeremy Smith
Angie Solberg
John Soles
Judy Stanton
Warren Sudweeks
Mike Talas
Mike Talas
Jason Tarasoff
Brenda Thompson
James Thompson
Dax Tucker
Jonna Turk
Lisa Tweedy
Frank Underwood
Angalique Urrizaga
Tanya Valdez
Maria Vodapich
Betsy Vogler