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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 160
     Profile contains photos: 85
     In Memory: 13
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 13
     Military Service: 19
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 160    Newest Members: 160    Latest Comments: 11  

Matthew Allen     
Brian Bello    
Timothy Booth     
Lisa Boyd    
Eric Brockway    
Mike Brown     
Marc Clausen    
Mona Cole    
Mike Cross   
Charles Cuneo    
Brian Dailey    
Rob Dever   
Marc DiMattio    
Lynn Dine    
Randy Ferl    
Michael Foley    
Garth Gerber    
Juliet Giglio     
Tony Godzwa    
Raymond Hauser     
Robert Hime    
Brian Hoydic    
Casey Izbicki    
Craig Keenan    
Maureen Kelly    
David King     
Scot Knight    
Randy Kuffer    
James Lassman     
Mia Lehman    
Charlie Lopez    
Les Lowers    
Jim Mattix    
Anthony Moore     
John Pickens    
Ebony Ponder    
John Popovic     
Julia Prindle    
Kevin Ramey    
Danny Rocco    
Steve Rosario    
Stephen Sagan    
Gaurang Shah    
Brian Smith    
Daniel Smith    
Dan Swanson    
Daniel Swope    
Joe Thomas    
Shelly Turben    
Anthony Weary    
Mark Weindorf    
John White   
Gayle Yohe    

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