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Strong Vincent High School
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Carla Adams
Dale Alexander
Matthew Allen
Peter Allessie
Naomi Anraku
Hubert Arrington
Tamika Bailor (Wayne)
Joseph Baniewicz
James Barnett
Brian Bello
Michael Blanks
Christopher Bliss/DiPlacido
Timothy Booth
Marlo Bottoni
Christopher Bowman
Lisa Boyd
Walter Bretherton
Neida Brewer
Eric Brockway
Deanna Brown
Joseph Brown
Mike Brown
Daniel Bruce
Silvana Bucarelli (Mirarchi)
Stephen Buckner
Stephanie Bukowski (Taylor)
Jaymie Byrd
Angela Carr (Smith)
Monica Carroll
Roosevelt (Sonny) Carson
Louis Carterino
Patrick Chiarelli
Stacey Ciano (Woodard)
Marc Clausen
Dawn Clawson (Colelli)
Caile Cleaver (Lambing)
Julie Clemens
Dennis Clemente Jr.
Mona Cole
Stephanie Coleman
Adrian Cooper
Mike Cross
Charles Cuneo
Brian Dailey
Donald Dandrea
Latonya Davis
Hope Dentler (Dine)
Rob Dever
Michele DiDomenico (Doleski)
Marc DiMattio
Lynn Dine
Lisa Dovichow (Jones)
Jill Dundon
Michael Dunst
Marc Durnin
Dawn Eliason (Comi)
Randy Ferl
Vicki Ferloin (Shields)
Teresa Fetzner
Christine Fisher
Michael Foley
Steven Fried
Kristin Fromyer
Mike Gaczkowski
Michael Gallagher
Garth Gerber
Juliet Giglio
Michelle Goda (Johnson)
Tony Godzwa
Charlie Gomez
Robin Gottron (Gottron)
Marcie Graves
Brenda Gray
Christa Haggerty
Roxann Hannah
Raymond Hauser
Lynn Heise (Agresti)
Edwin Hernandez
Carolyn Hilbrich (McIntyre)
Doreen Hill (Baird)
Barbara Hime (Courtney)
Robert Hime
Heidi Holmes (Harris)
Barbara Hoover (Dombrowski)
Carrie Hopkins (Wieczorek)
Brian Hoydic
Theresa Hughes (Noll)
Britt Hughson (Schumacher)
Stephanie Hutchinson (Gossard)
Stephanie Irwin (Murdock)
Casey Izbicki
Nicole Jaycox
Geoffrey Johnson
Gregory Johnston
Eric Kauffman
Leslie Kauffman
Craig Keenan
Maureen Kelly
Tobias Keul
Douangchan Khanthavout
Souksavan Khanthavout
David King
Scot Knight
Daniel Kormos
Julie Kosiorek (Beck)
Rebecca Kowalczyk (Tasler)
Michelle Kowalewski (Conboy)
Kimberly Kraus (Williams)
Kenny Krayeski
Kara Krista (Allen)
Carrie Krystek
Randy Kuffer
Jennifer Kuhn
Tricia Lambright (Mayo)
Joseph Lariccia
Jeremy Larson
James Lassman
Stephanie Layman
Yvonne Lee (Gamble)
Mia Lehman
Michelle Leone (Sigler)
Gerry Lieder
Gregory Logan
Charlie Lopez
Les Lowers
Gregory Luczak (Luczak)
Michael Lupichuk
Linda Mack (White)
Damaris Malave
Michelle Malone (Martin)
Eric Martin
Saundra Martin
Dana Massing
Jim Mattix
Pam McClelland (Templeton)
Adrian McCullum
Amber McLaughlin (Bellas)
Christopher Milano
Alice Mitchell
Erika Moffett (Arrington)
Pearl Montroy (Graham)
Anthony Moore
Evette Moore (Crosby)
Michael Morabito
Herminio Morales Jr.
Maria Musarra
Keith Nichols
Tara Nicholson
Carrie O'Connor (Fillak)
Robert Orlando
Melissa Orsini
Jennifer Pacy (Warzynak)
Kevin Parker
Jennifer Pelkowski (Zajac)
Robin Pennsy
Gina Pesi (Statton)
John Pickens
Ebony Ponder
Carol Pope (Smith)
John Popovic
Julia Prindle
Kenyetta Pulliam
Kevin Ramey
Cara Reisenweber (Kaliszewski)
Scott Renaud
Gerald Ritz
Eliezer Rivera
Ruth Rivera
Danny Rocco
Monique Rogers (Chatman)
Juanita Rojas
John Romanski II
Steve Rosario
Kevin Rowland
Stacy Rung (Van Houten)
Stephen Sagan
Karen Schwenk
Phillip Seib
Kelly Senz (Godzwa)
Valerie Shaffer (Haag)
Gaurang Shah
Michael Sherosky
Valerie Skwaryk (Luce)
Christine Slater
Brian Smith
Cheri Smith (Hill)
Daniel Smith
Tajha Spiegel (Keenan)
Jen Sullivan (Lee)
Dan Swanson
Sean Sweeney
Daniel Swope
Phuong Tang (Schuetz)
Robin Tate (Rumph)
William Teribery
Joe Thomas
Debra Tregaskis (Buckner)
Everett Tucker
Shelly Turben
Dave VanAmburg
Edwin Velez
Joseph Vercillo
Jill Voelker
Tammy Waiter
India Washington
Anthony Weary
Mark Weindorf
Darlene "Amee" Weislogel
John White
Jerome Williams
Dustin Wilson
Vicki Wisniewski
Marc Worner
Deborah Wright (Crockett)
Gayle Yohe
Jennifer Zdarko (Deatherage)
Jennifer Zebroski (Enke)
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