Arlene Villa Sjogren

Profile Updated: June 4, 2014
Arlene Villa
Arlene Villa


Arlene Villa


Arlene Villa


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In San Marcos, CA USA
Spouse/Partner Erik Sjogren
Occupation Sjogren Family Specialist, Realtor, writer...
Children Dalton is our oldest and is 23. Madison is 19 and Jackson is 16.

Currently in a life transition with the kids getting older so we're moving for a home that no longer fits our needs and downsizing to a place near the coast. So exciting changes and embracing the process. We've been raising our family in San Diego county for the better part of the last 23 years. Life hasn't always been easy but I am grateful and appreciating what is.

School Story

So many school stories....Crazy times with Carrie Brennan...her convertible bug, Rumors...BOYS!!!!! Beach days at 17th Street in Del Mar with Shannon and Jenny and of course BOYS!! Great times with our beloved basketball team, pep assemblies, football games, Round Table Pizza after or The Door, Cruising Grand, toilet papering, sleep overs, Homecoming Floats, Spirit days, History which was my favorite subject with Mr. Dean and my favorite teachers which were Mr. Bryant and Ms. Keithley, whom I'll always be grateful for her support and stern hand. Loved Sr. P.E. which was a blast...Mrs. Soukko...lunch times where we would haul ass to Taco Bell, Carls Jr. or Yummy's Yogurt....spooky treks out to Quest Haven, float building at Daphnes or Lisa Petersons, campfires by the beach....our rockin Senior Grad Party at the Brennans, the night drives back to the beach and long talks with friends over the future looking up at the stars. Oh...and don't forget Michael Jackson, MADONNA, The Cars, Foreigner, The Go Go's, English Beat, The Romantics, Billy Squier, The Rolling Stones, Bryan Adams and so much more.

Arlene's Latest Interactions

Jun 05, 2014 at 3:55 AM

Kelly ~ So happy to see your profile!! Hope this message finds you well. Please share this website with any other alumni you may keep in touch with. Our 30th Reunion is August 2nd so I hope to see you and meet Patricia. Best to you!

Jun 04, 2014 at 6:40 PM

Our 30th Reunion is set for August 2nd! We are looking to contact as many of our classmates as possible to update our class website as well as get as many attendees as possible! Please reach out to any alumni that you may be in touch with an let them know about our 30th Reunion!

Jun 04, 2014 at 5:22 PM
Arlene Villa Sjogren changed her "Then" picture.
Jun 04, 2014 at 5:21 PM
Arlene Villa Sjogren changed her "Now" picture.
Jun 04, 2014 at 5:07 PM
Arlene Villa Sjogren changed her profile picture.
Jun 04, 2014 at 5:03 PM
