Debra Gerhardt Ahrens

Profile Updated: April 11, 2008
Residing In: Fairbury, NE USA
Spouse/Partner: william
Children: Kimberly, born 1981 (step-daughter)
Matthew, born 1982 (step-son)
Michelle, born More…1989 (step-daughter)
Yes! Attending Reunion

After graduation I went on to attend Southeast Community College. After that I worked at Swingsters for 18 years. It was during that time I met my husband Bill, we were married in 1993, we purchased his family farm north-west of Fairbury and have been there ever since. We have a commercial cow/calf operation and some farm ground. It was also when I married Bill that I became a step-mom to Kim who was 11, Matt age 10 and Michelle who was 4 at the time. Helping Bill to raise them have given me memories I will never forget. When Swingsters closed I went to work for Livingston Enterprises, a 6000 head sow unit near Reynolds. I am now the farrowing manager. I care for the sows and more importantly the baby pigs. There are between 8-10 English speaking employees and 15-18 none English speaking employees, needless to say communication can be a challenge, but I enjoy the work.

School Story:

I think about my close friends from high school quite often with fond memories, and I hope your lives have turned out to be all you had dreamed they would be.

Debra's Latest Interactions

Jul 06, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Jul 06, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Jul 06, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Jul 06, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Jul 06, 2015 at 4:34 AM
