25 yr Reunion Photo

I don't have a legend for this photo, so here is my best guess...help me out on the "not sure's" or incorrect guesses.

Back Row standing:  Tom Preston, Andy Snyder, Tom Oswald, Kenny Duensing, Julie Earhart, Lee Stegemann, Fred Arnold, Mark Ziemann, Tracy Vculek Dittmer, Can't see you #1", Johanna Schoenrock, Jill Butcher Littleton, Jim Rempel, Kim Schmidt Bush, Tom Adams

Middle row standing: Clint Swett, Roger Sass, Scott Boyer, Dan Banahan, Tony James, Dennis Gaston, "Not sure #2", Cindy Grummert Hahn, Sharon Michels Woolery, Kelly Jungck Chappel, Torry Richardson Thelen, "Not sure #3", Tony Likens, Barry DeJong

Front row kneeling: Tim Hill, Dwane Ebeling, Jim Ebeling, Ron Schacht, Pat Kujath, Rod Schoenrock, Cindy Milius Melcher, Karla Menke Hergott, Darcy Slater, Kay Moore Flagherty, Denise Hummel Rose...where is your t-shirt?,  Donna J. Young Meyers, Lori Hellbusch Butcher, Dave Beetley, Craig Cassell
