Friday, August 26th,
Classmates will be checking out the night life at some of our local bars and restaurants. Come on out and catch up with your Fellow classmates
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Location: Fairport Masonic Lodge. 87 S. Main Street, Fairport
(No parking available at the Lodge)
Check-in time to be determined. Check in, chat and enjoy our beautiful village.
Food, non-alcoholic beverages and dessert will be provided.
Music will be provided by some of our own classmates.
Cost is $30.00 per person
Payment due by August 12th, 2022.
Check and or Money orders can be sent to:
- S. Johnson, 106 High Street, Fairport NY 14450
- Venmo to: @Karin-Joensen. (3327) are the last phone numbers if needed.
- PayPal to: Indigopatch@comcast.net
August 27 at 9:00 am
Start your morning off with 18 Holes of Golf at Eagle Vale Golf Club:
Contact: Chris Gehring Lambert at chris@myffpc.com for tee time and details.
We will meet at 3:30 pm. at the courtyard gazebo., next to the library.
The annual Fairport Music Fest will be hosting awesome local musicians and bands througout the day and night. Make sure to check It out. Tickets for the Music Fest are available here. Pre-purchase $20, $25 at the door.