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08/20/11 10:18 AM #5    


Robert Berman

Hi all
Alas responsibilities keep me close to home
In Charleston SC this weekend. My thoughts are
With you all. HAVE A GREAT TIME. Send lots of pics
And load up youtube..
Robert Berman

02/20/12 07:53 PM #6    


John Schaefer

Folks participating here, especially if they're currently located elsewhere and miss Flint, might find they're interested in the ongoing discussions and past content at a longstanding, well-moderated, noncommercial, mostly-Flint-focused blog/forum:

Gordy Young ("Geewhy"), the proprietor there, graduated from Powers, but lots of Northern/Southwestern/Central content has been posted over the years, as well as lots of general Flint-cultural stuff. A current thread discusses the upcoming SW Class of 1977 35th reunion, which is what made me realize that I should make this post.

I have no affiliation other than having been a happy participant there off and on for several years.

09/19/12 11:14 PM #7    

Linda Bentley (Gekeler)

Char McKenzie Elliott-Who does not remember Char.  She is the one who started all of this!!.  Currently Char is very, very ill.  She is awaiting a triple transplant-kidney, liver and pancreas-all of this because of her diabetes.  She has been on dialysis but things are not going well for her.  She is presently in the hospital in Toledo. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  

11/13/13 08:11 PM #8    

Judith Luke

ALS fundraiser

03/05/16 09:19 AM #9    

Skip Hauth

Thanks to all for the kind Happy Birthday whishes.  However the rumors of my birthday have been greatly exaggerated.  My birthday is not for another couple of months.  I will hold the birthday wishes until then.



Skip Hauth

03/29/17 05:38 PM #10    

James (Jim) Lowman

I will be in the Flint area from May 8th-14th.  Anyone up for a meet?

12/04/18 10:00 AM #11    


Edward Witkow

My (our)  good friend Mac, Mac Conover passed away this early morning.

I will miss him.


Ed Witkow

12/05/18 07:54 AM #12    

Bart Johnston

What sad news, Ed.  I got an email from Mac's daughter, Amy yesterday.  He was one of the healthiest of our class and this came as a shock.  I spoke with Dave Jackson briefly but his cell was breaking up so I have no details.  I will miss my old fellow Wolverine.

12/05/18 07:58 AM #13    

Jackie Chapelle (Kominek)



Thanks so much for the update...Becky told me and I forwarded it on to Chris (Oskey) & Alice (Monroe)

We hope he wasn’t ill for long and our prayers are with his family, 


12/05/18 12:05 PM #14    


Dalton Flowers

Talked to Mac last week, he seemed in a good mood. Wasn't a friend in high school. But got to known him pretty well, working on the class Union committee. He was a good guy and he will be missed. Talked a lot about Michigan football and basketball. If you didn't know, he was True Blue. R.I.P. Mac and Go Blue, buddy.

12/05/18 02:02 PM #15    

Alan (Chip) Roeder (Roeder)

Sorry to learn of this.  My first playground fight was with Mac.  He won.  Thankfully, we had good times together after that.  Sad to lose old friends.

Chip ...

12/05/18 03:49 PM #16    

Christine Oskey (Bauer)

I am so sad to hear about Mac.  He was the nicest guy.  Our group Mac, Jim Bentham. Ed Witkow(aka cool breeze, Becky Clarence and I had many fun times.  Fond memories!  Rest In Peace Mac.  

12/05/18 03:59 PM #17    

Cheryl McAtee (England)

Sorry to hear about Mac. Hugs and prayers to his family.

10/20/20 09:21 AM #18    


Linda Mizisin (Cramer-Wenta)

I just read that Craig Peltier has passed away.  He had not joined this group, but I thought everyone should know.


10/21/20 08:34 AM #19    

David Ludington

I'm sorry to hear this.  Craig and I were friends starting at Longfellow and roomed together at CMU.  I'm sorry for not staying in touch over the years and only recently caught up with him via FB.  He was a good guy and will be a fond part of my memory for as long as I live.

10/22/20 01:02 PM #20    


Charles Bullwinkle (Hamilton)

 Sad news. I remember a thoughtful Craig, and I thnik he drove a wicked Corvair. Charles Bullwinkle Hamilton

10/28/20 05:19 PM #21    


Edward Witkow

Dave Jackson just informed me that according to the Flint Journal that Tom Peek passed away around three weeks ago.

10/29/20 02:05 PM #22    

Shirley Roy (Flowers)

Just to let you know that Tom Peek did past away September 8, 2020 after a lengthly battle with Parkinson's,

and Lewy Body Dementia.  He was one of the young men we went to High School with that ended up in the

Vietnam War, and who got covered in Agent Orange.

10/30/20 12:38 PM #23    

Nancy Patterson

Hello, everyone!

Though I did not graduate from Flint Central, I went to Longfellow and then to Southwestern for a year before my family moved to Flushing.  I see so many familiar names on this site and thought I should say hello and share a bit of what I've been up to.

I graduated from Michigan State with a degree in English and taught for almost 30 years in a district west of Lansing.  During that time I earned a PhD in English, and once I had enough public school teaching years in, I retired and accepted a position at Grand Valley where I taught for 17 years.  I am now fully retired

I never married, but I did have a long-term relationship with an antique dealer and used to accompany him to auctions.  I dabbled a bit in antiques, but once I started my doctoral program, I had to focus on that and my teaching.  He and I drifted apart and I eventually moved to Grand Rapids to be closer to my work.  

I had some health issues a few years ago, but things are going well. I garden, and, until Covid was very active in the Grand Rapids Symphony Chorus. Singing has always been close to my heart and I will be thankful when our magnificent chorus can sing together again.  A few years ago we performed at Carnegie Hall (and got paid!).  The NY Times even gave us a good review.  

I have a standard poodle, Lucy, who will be 3 in February.  She keeps me active.  Before I got Lucy, I adopted an 8 year old standard out of foster care named Bridget.  She and I were a therapy dog team and used to visit nursing homes, the cancer floor of a local hospital, a library where children read to the dogs (it was adorable), and local university students during exam week to help relieve stress. Lucy will become a therapy dog, too, as soon as Covid is under control and the training can begin.  The picture below is of Bridget and I at GVSU's

exam week stress relief. 

06/01/21 12:53 AM #24    


Carole Dolan (Ross)

Hello Everyone, 
My sister Wendy Dolan, Flores, passed away December 5, 2020, from pancreatic cancer, suffered for twenty-two months.  She lived in Acworth Georgia.  
Takd Care,  and go do things now, don't put it off.  Time goes by so fast.  

06/01/21 06:27 AM #25    


Linda Mizisin (Cramer-Wenta)


Sorry to hear about Wendy.  She had such a great laugh.  I remember both of you with a smile.  Hope all is well with you.  Linda (Mizisin) Cramer-Wenta

06/01/21 11:30 AM #26    


Carole Dolan (Ross)

Thank you Linda, I am good, sold my house in California and plan on exploring the USA. Hope you are enjoying life. Take care 😊


06/02/21 10:48 AM #27    


Barbara Renwick (Hammonds)

Sorry to hear about Wendys passing,  she was always friendly and kind to everyone.  May her soul so rest in peace


06/02/21 11:37 AM #28    


Carole Dolan (Ross)

Thank you Barbara🌺

04/15/22 09:54 AM #29    


Linda Mizisin (Cramer-Wenta)

Rest in Peace, Randy Piper.

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