In Memory


Gary Ballard

Dec 10, 2003

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06/06/11 09:18 PM #1    

James (Jim) Lowman

Gary and I were friends from Kindergarten forward, at Stevenson Elementary.  His parents lived right across the street on Grand Traverse.

We didn't see a lot of each other at Central, as he was in the broadcasting program and I was on college prep.  But we did go golfing during the summer, even when I was home from college.

We didn't have a lot of contact over the years, although Gary called me from a phone booth as he was on his way home from the 10th reunion.

The last time that I saw Gary was in the mid-80s.  He and his wife were in San Diego to visit her sister, and Judy and I drove down there to have dinner with them.

As I recall, Gary owned, or was a partner in, one or more radio stations.  His last venture was with an ad agency in Bay City.  Apparently he suffered a heart attack and had returned to work when he passed away one day at the office.

I had not visited Flint since 1989, until 2007.  While there I contacted yet another golfing buddy, who told me that Gary passed away about five years prior.

If anyone has other details, please contact me here, or at:

RIP, old friend.





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