In Memory

Michael Calvey VIEW PROFILE

Michael Calvey


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07/24/11 09:15 PM #1    

Myrna Spencer (Lawrence)

We visited just a couple of years before you passed. We laughed and talked about all the fun we had together. You were my best friend, my confidante. I miss you just as much now as I did when you passed. I often wonder if your fellow classmates new you as well as I did. You were funny, wild, passionate and kind. You served your country not once but twice. The war took its toll on you and then it took you away from all of us. Our little joke "you never wrote the book"........

11/15/11 02:22 AM #2    

Nancy Bush (Wengert)

I will always remember you fondly, watching you draw pictures in home room.You were a very good artist. You were also the first boy who ever kissed me. I have wondered what happened to you on occasion and was sorry to see that you have left us.

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