In Memory

Charlene McKenzie (Elliott)

Charlene McKenzie (Elliott)

Obituary below has been provided by her husband Ralph Elliott:

On 11-11-2012 Charlene McKenzie Elliott passed away in Hospice, after a 6 month battle to survive for a transplant.

She was a member of the class of 66 in Flint Michigan. She tried to find 25 classmates and wound up with a little over 400, bringing together people who hadn't seen or spoke to each others in years. She loved to do things for people and was always quick with her quips when needed, believe me I know.

She predeceased her Mother Francis McKenzie from Flint, her Husband Ralph Elliott, Daughter Krista Lee Hemmes, and son James Hemmes, his wife Valerie Hemmes and the sparkle in her eye, grandson Jonathon Daniel Hemmes.

She worked in XRAY/CT field for some 35 years and was an avid knitter thus the name KNITWIT. She always had a smile and never said no when asked to do something. She will be missed by all her friends and family.
Rest in peace Char. 

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04/06/13 10:43 PM #1    

Myrna Spencer (Lawrence)

I sure miss you Charlene and all the pics you sent of Jonathan. I miss the updates and notes and the phone calls. Thinking about you most days and hating that you didn't get to stay longer on earth. I am selfish that way. 

01/14/14 05:52 PM #2    

Tom Montgomery

Char found me in her search and I am Glad she did. We became fast phone friends and would call each other often. She Will be Missed. Rest in Peace, Char. Will always be missed.


01/14/14 07:12 PM #3    

James (Jim) Lowman

Out of the blue, Char contacted me by phone and we had several long chats.

With time, Char asked me to help her to find some of our long-lost classmates from Flint Central High School, class of '66.  She had already contacted dozens, as well as friends from Longfellow Junior High.

With Rob Pirie's help, Char's collected data became a spreadsheet, and soon was merged into this website, thanks to Rhea Bateman and Kate Fields.  It was acknowledged that Char's dedicated and tireless work in compiling the data facilitated invitations to the 45th class reunion, which Char was able to attend.

I miss those phone chats and the steady stream of e-mails that we exchanged while working on the project, as well the friendly conversations.

RIP, Char.  It was a privilege to have known you.

Jim Lowman



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