Bobby Hicks

Profile Updated: March 6, 2019
Bobby Hicks
Residing In: Jackson, GA USA
Occupation: Senior Superintendent
Children: Cayla Noel, born 12-29-89 Master's Degree in Education

Baylie Sheree, born 02-20-92 Bach Degree More…Physical Therapy, Married 3 dogs
Yes! Attending Reunion

I completed my required courses at the end of 2nd quarter our last year. I regret not staying for the 3rd to this day. I lost contact with a lot of people and entered the work force wide open. 1st into resturant managment and then to auto mechanics. I spent a few years racing dirt track and sewing my oats, so to speak. I started into construction in 1984, working for 2 of my uncles doing concrete forms for high rise builings. I managed to get on with a general contractor and stayed with them for 17yrs, before parting ways in 2003 and making my way to my current employer.

During this time of career building I also managed to marry, father 2 of the most beautiful, respectful and well behaved children in the history of the world.( I'm sure that will come back and bite me in the.......)

Unfortunatly, 1997 held in it's mists a divorce and the trials and tribulations of rebuilding and readjusting to new ways of life and new members of the family( regardless of how irritating they are).

I've not found another partner in life as of yet, but if the good Lord has one in mind he place her in my path in his time.

Bobby's Latest Interactions

Bobby Hicks posted a message. New comment added.
Apr 03, 2019 at 1:06 PM

Posted on: Mar 28, 2019 at 1:54 PM

How have you been?

Bobby Hicks updated profile. View.
Mar 06, 2019 at 12:01 PM
Bobby Hicks posted a message.
Mar 06, 2019 at 11:34 AM

I hope things have been well for you. Hope to see you at the 40.
