Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Janice Ackerson (Larsen)
Mike Adams
Kenny Allen
Anita Anderson (Johnson)
James Andrews
Candy Barker (Deire)
Doug Benson
Vicki Blair (Daugherty)
Karen Brayton (Koenig)
William Brown
Sue Cahill
Betty Carr
Elaine Carr (Thompson)
Paul Christiansen
Richard Cleland
Victoria Cobb (Gehrhart)
Connie Coonts
Kassie Cooper (Wickwire)
Terry Culver
Doug Dencklau
Danny Dennis
Bill Eldredge
Dewey Evans
Roger Fink
John Flattery
Lita Fritz
Dale Garrett
Gary Gibson
Jimmie Graves
Billie Green
Don Griffin
Mary Hepperle
Pat Hewett
Larry Hoover
Truman Janssen
Jim Jenkins
Melba Jergens (Noty)
Pauletta Jones
Barry Kemp
Sherry Klein (Wiley)
Leora Kreiman (Ralston)
Thomas Larson
Alan Lepely
James Licht
Jerry Linder
Michael Madsen
James Magoon
John Mallinger
Arla Marvin
Randy McClure
Marian Meier (Skadburg)
Mike Mericle
Mike Mitchell
Tom Mueller
Paul Murphy
Richard Murray
Pam Myers
Ron Nichols
David Nicklaus
Margaret Nielsen
Roy Nielsen
David Norman
Joy Olson
Darlene Peed
Joyce Peterson
Kathy Phillips
Don Remington
Rick Richards
Bill Roberts
Mike Septer
Mary Shultz
Suzanne Simpson
Gary Skinner
Sharon Swenson
Wayne Tabor
James Torgerson
Steve Vannoni
Mike Vogt
Rick Waddell
Cliff Weston
Wayne Whitmer
Doug Zabel

Guest Members

Jane (Frost)