Nostalgia Zone

We are currently trying to collect some items for our Nastalgia cases at the reunion (for example:  Cap and gowns, letter jackets, a copy of the Loud Speaker, football tickets, parking passes, school id's programs from plays, etc...)If you have anything you would like to share with us, please feel free to contact either John Maness or Kirk Broom by using the email tool on this site. 

If you are currently living outside of the state and cannot be here prior to the reunion, please feel free to bring it with you and we can put it in the cases on Friday night or mail them to John Maness at the following address:

John Maness

1816 Falconhurst Drive
Charlotte, NC 28216

phone # 704-634-9093

PLEASE LABEL YOUR ITEMS so that you can pick them up before you leave the reunion on Saturday night.
