Patti Cordaro Lee

Profile Updated: September 18, 2013
Patti Cordaro
Residing In: Greer, SC USA
Occupation: Mary Kay Consultant
Children: Michael, born 12/84. Brittany, born 8/89, Brett, born 12/04 (deceased).
Yes! Attending Reunion

In 1981 I married my high school sweetheart, Kenneth Schwarz. In 1982 we moved to Atlanta, GA where he attended Chiropractic College. In 1986 we divorced and I remained living in Atlanta with our son, Michael. In 1988 I remarried to Blake. In 1992 we moved to Jesup, GA (south GA). We spent 15 years living in a small town of 25,000 people. It was like going back in time 20 years but it was a great place to raise a family. In 2007, when our daughter graduated, we packed our bags and sent her to Ft. Myers, FL and we moved to Greenville, SC.

I continue to sell Mary Kay which allows me to be flexible to travel when I have the urge to see family and friends. It's nice to be able to mix business with much needed pleasure.

In Sept. 2009, I was diagnosed w/Cushings Disease which is a tumor on my pituitary gland that produces too much cortisol. Dec. 31, 2009 I had the tumor removed at University of VA. I have been recovering from surgery. Doctors say it can take up to 9 - 12 months to fully recover. I now believe them.

Feb. 12, 2010 my son, Michael, was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. Needless to say, I was at my worst during my recovery and couldn't be there for my son. Thanks to a wonderful daughter-in-law he was well taken care of. He had to undergo 4 rounds of chemo and is now waiting for another surgery to remove a tumor called Teratoma on his lower back. Luckily my mother insisted in Feb. for me to stay w/her in FL to continue my recovery. I was in such bad shape that I couldn't take care of myself. It was a blessing because I was then closer to Michael who is in Orlando. My mom would make sure that every week we would go see Michael. One time, back in March, I was in the hospital in Leesburg, FL. Michael and I had arranged that I would spend Friday w/him at the hospital while he was receiving chemo and bring him lunch. I was so excited until I realized I was in the hospital and may not make our date. Fortunately, through the grace of God, I got out of the hospital on Friday morning and we headed straight to Michael in Orlando to bring him his lunch. The things we do for our children. I was so emotionally upset during his first 2 months of his treatment because I was so sick myself that it was an effort to see him once a week. We are still awaiting his surgery on his tumor but I am now back home and doing much better so I'm planning to be there for his surgery. We should find out soon when that will be.

Needless to say, this past year has been a HELL of a year. I pray that God will continue to heal me and Michael and that we can begin a boring life for a while. Thank goodness my husband and daughter are in good health and I pray that it stays that way. Who would have ever thought that life would get so dark but now I'm seeing the light again. Thank you Jesus!!!

10/21/12 - Update on my life - In June 2012 I chose to begin the process of ending my 24 year marriage. Through many, many years of struggle to keep my marriage, God revealed to me things that I didn't want to see. He showed me that adultry comes in many forms. Needless to say, I listened to God and realized that my house was filled with evil thoughts and actions so it was necessary to leave in order to continue an AMAZINGLY close relationship with the Lord. God won!!! I allowed myself for 26 years to be surrounded with ungodly people and was trying to fit into their world. I would rather be alone with God than with those who are without God. I am now living in what I call my castle that God has blessed me with. I left with only the clothes on my back. When it was time for me to need my 1/2 of the belongings my husband chose not to give them to me. So God said, "It's ok because you are to have all new things to fill your castle to represent the new you in your new life. God is so AMAZING - I'm so glad I chose Him!!!

God continues to work in my life. He spoke to me in a dream on 10/17/12. He said, "Honey, I am walking beside you holding your hand. I will never walk 10 ft. in front of you not holding your hand. I will be your biggest cheerleader and encourage you even when you do wrong. I will love you unconditionally and NEVER talk down to you or in front of others to degrade you. I love you just the way you are. I am your best friend and you are mine. I chose you and now you have chosen Me. So take my hand and let me show you what great plans I have for you. This is what true love feels like. I love you!!!

Wow! That's was so powerful. See for all my married life, my husband always walked 10 ft. in front of me not holding my hand. He always talked down to me even in front of others to degrade me. Instead of accepting me as I was he always complained about every little thing I did. Mmmm!!! And to think I tolerated that for 26 years because I believed in my decision to marry him. Blake traveled for his job. We moved to SC so he could be centrally located and be home more. He never was home. During my illness he chose to get on the road and stay gone. My mother had to drive 8 hours to gather me and my things to live with her until I was able to take care of myself. During that 4 months he never came to see me and rarely called me. After I vacated my home in June God revealed to me all of his twitter post. On there I found out that the day I left with my mom for FL he was posting that he was in Greenville, SC and all the places he was at. Funny, I was told that he was on the road working. He was - in Greenville, SC from our home. And I thought I had true love!!!

So I am now excited about turning 50, being single, having a new puppy (which he would never let me have) and seeing what God has in store for me. God did reveal that He has great plans for me and when He decides to reveal them it will be bigger than a tidal wave. AWESOME!!! I can't wait!!!

In the meantime, I am sitting still and knowing that He is God. I am His disciple and the brightest light that I can be to shine for His glory.

Thank you Jesus for taking such great care of me that you have delivered me from such a bad world. I am yours, all yours. I love you Jesus, my one and only God!!!

School Story:

When I first wrote all the info for my profile I didn't write anything for a school story. To be honest, I couldn't remember anything of significance. I thought long and hard and nothing came to mind. I passed it off as so many things happened in the past that I just couldn't remember. After being diagnosed w/Cushings Disease I found out that memory loss is a sympton. I was so relieved because I realized that it was truly a medical problem and not something I was exaturating. Unfortunately, my memory still hasn't come back fully. I'm told it will so I'm being patient. I feel like I've been 90 years old in a 47 year old body. But I am told I will be back to normal soon. When I get my memory back I will write a school story.

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