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Janice Stauffer Schulhof

Janice Stauffer
Residing In:
Asheville, NC USA
Lary Schulof
2nd grade teacher, retired
2 children and 3 grandchildren

I graduated from Indiana University in 1966. I then taught 2nd grade in a school system near Indianapolis, IN. I married Lary Schulhof in 1967, and continued teaching until we started a family.

We moved to Ashevile, NC, in 1975, and we still love our Asheville home. Lary practiced neurosurgery until retirement in 2008. We are active in our Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, Emmanuel.

Lary and I enjoy the company of our children, Scott, Jenny and son-in-law Brian. Our grandchildren and children know their Lord. "We are truly blessed with friends, health and many activities.

School Story:

There are many memorable events from high school. However my memories or memory will always be the positive supporting community of Concordia High School. We were so blessed to experience such a special school.