50th Anniversary Activities

Event Details

 Friday, September 30th

  1.  Homecoming Tailgate Party – 5:30 – 7:00 pm – The high school has CHANGED this from a BBQ to food trucks (Who Cut the Cheese, Bravas, and Whip & Chill)
  2.  Homecoming Football Game.  Concordia vs. Wayne, at 7:00 pm at the Zollner Stadium.  Cost is $6.00 to be paid at the gate.  There will be a registration table.
  3. Following the game, alumni and friends are welcome to attend an after game party at Club Soda (A CHANGE).  You must be 21—HAHAHAHA!
  4. Open House at Barb Seddelmeyer Johnson’s home – 9:00 pm to ??  we can visit with each other at Barb’s home, 1506 Dunnagans Way, New Haven.  (15 minutes from the stadium down Trier Road.  Refreshments will be served.  BOB -- Bring your own booze!  Softdrinks will be provided!

Saturday, October 1st

  1.  Golf Outing – This outing will held in the morning at a cost of $75 at Pine Valley Country Club.  This includes 18 holes and a cart.  Duane Dammeyer is organizing this.  Fees will be paid at the Club.
  2. Fort4Fitness – Register on line if you are interested.
  3. Reunion Dinner – Registration at 6:00 pm and dinner with program is at 7:00 pm.  Make reservations by September 1st
  4. Parking for the Saturday night dinner at Parkview Field is in the "silver lot" at Breckenridge and Ewing.  This is FREE.  You are to enter the main gates(south and west side)  and take the elevator to the second floor.  There is also another school having a reunion on the opposite side of the stadium.  They also will be using this parking lot.  Just so you are aware of this.
  5. We were contacted because there were some problems with reservations at the Holiday Inn on Coliseum (by IPFW).  Karen Rodenbeck Bierlein checked into the problem.  First of all, I had a misprint on the contact phone number.  It should be 260-579-9136.  Sorry about this.  Secondly, a block of rooms has been reserved.  Probably the best way is to call the hotel directly at 260-482-3800 and request reservations under the block reserved for "Concordia Class 1966".  It is also listed under "1966 Concordia Class".  This was some of the problem, too.  The rate remains at $109/night.  If problems persist, contact Blair Clark, the Catering Sales Manager or email me back.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
  6. Please submit any information that we could use in our memento book ASAP.  This website is an easy way to do this.  Karen Rodenbeck Bierlein and Sandy Wolf Friedrich are looking for any information you can give them.

Sunday, October 2nd

  1.  Worship Service in the CLHS Auditorium – 10:00 am
  2. Light Lunch and school tours will follow immediately after the service.  This is a complimentary light lunch.