Katharine E. Pratt Banta

Profile Updated: June 25, 2014
Katharine E. Pratt
Residing In Athens, OH USA
Spouse/Partner Ben Banta
Occupation Stay at home momma
Children Georgie, born June 6, 2013 and Ruthie due to be born Oct. 1,2014
Yes! Attending Reunion

I taught for four years (kindergarten in florida, 3rd grade and kindergarten in Maryland). Now we live in Athens, OH my husband is a professor at OU. I went back to school at OU for my masters in Early childhood special education but when I had Georgie I became a full time momma! School will have to wait. Georgie just turned one in June and Ruthie is due Oct. 1. Wish I could make it to the reunion but its too close to her due date.

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Jun 25, 2014 at 10:19 AM
Jun 25, 2014 at 10:18 AM