Ellen Anderson Yarrell

Profile Updated: June 28, 2017
Ellen Anderson
Where do you live now? Houston, TX USA
Spouse/Partner none
Are you employed? lawyer
Children? Tom- 1/1/80
Emily 10/21/82
Yes! Attending Reunion
What have you checked off your Bucket List?

Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Ranier, Grand Paradisio, Machu Picchu. Cordillera Blanca- Peru; winning a case at the Texas Supreme Court; raising two kids successfully; running my own business for 26 years! Living in my dream home in Montrose!

What remains on your Bucket List?

Too many things to list!

Do you have a favorite school story?

Not really- just lots of fun and great friends!

Ellen's Latest Interactions

Jun 28, 2017 at 10:27 AM

Thank you to all who worked so hard to make the 50th reunion such a success! My only regret is that I did not get to talk to everyone that was there- maybe next time??? Is anyone interested in pulling together an email list that attendees can use to continue corresponding? Not sure if the website has a function allowing a list to be generated- however, I am sure Judy knows if it is possible.
